United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Patient Care Services

Mental Health Services

Office of Mental Health Services

The Office of Mental Health Services is the national program office that sets program and policy guidance for mental health services provided throughout VHA.

The Office of Mental Health Services aims to insure that all veterans have access to needed mental health care. VA Mental Health advances the principle that mental health care is an essential component of overall health care and promote mental health recovery. The internet site is intended to serve veterans, their family members, mental health clinicians, VA staff, affiliated mental health associations and the community, providing information about mental health conditions and services.

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Centers of Excellence

The Centers of Excellence were established by Congress in 2006 with the goal of researching the causes and treatments of mental disorders and using the dissemination of education to put new knowledge into routine clinical practice in the VA. There are currently three OMHS Centers of Excellence which are funded by Mental Health Enhancement Initiative processes. These Centers will migrate to OMHS budgeted funding effective FY10.

Each COE has a focus (e.g., mental health disorders and delivery of best practices treatment) and theme (e.g., determining risk and resilience factors of PTSD; delivery of PTSD care/treatment; and suicide prevention) under the larger COE mission. In general, the COEs have research, clinical improvement, educational and training, bioethics and security information, and business process programs to deliver these services.

The Office of Mental Health Services

The Office of Mental Health Services is the national program office that sets program and policy guidance for mental health services provided throughout VHA.

The Office of Mental Health Services aims to insure that all veterans have access to needed mental health care. VA Mental Health advances the principle that mental health care is an essential component of overall health care and promote mental health recovery. The internet site is intended to serve veterans, their family members, mental health clinicians, VA staff, affiliated mental health associations and the community, providing information about mental health conditions and services.

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Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups (CHALENG)

Project CHALENG (Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups) for Veterans, an innovative program designed to enhance the continuum of care for homeless Veterans provided by the local VA and its surrounding community service agencies.

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Community Living Center (CLC)

The Community Living Center (CLC) Mental Health Program provides for the integration of mental health services in the CLC setting. This program provides guidance and oversight for the integratio of mental health providers in VA CLC. The CLC Mental Health Provider provides assessment, treatment, and team-focused services, with an emhasis on promoting psychosocial behavior management services and culture transformation in VA CLCs.

Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV)

The Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program conducts outreach to identify homeless Veterans who are eligible for VA healthcare and assist these Veterans in accessing appropriate levels of care. In addition, HCHV also contracts with community-based programs to provide residential treatment for homeless Veterans.

The Homeless and Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs offer a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. Recognizing that the vast majority of homeless veterans suffer from serious medical and mental illnesses, including substance use disorders, VA's clinical staff in medical centers across the country provide direct health care services to homeless veterans. VA's homeless-specific programs constitute the largest integrated network of homeless treatment and assistance services in the country.

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The Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) Program provides timely access to VA services for eligible justice-involved Veterans to avoid unnecessary criminalization and incarceration of Veteran offenders with mental illness. This is done through direct outreach to Veterans in contact with the justice system through encounters with police, jails, and courts.

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The Healtcare Renetry Veterans (HCRV) Program promotes successful community integration of reentry Veterans by conducting outreach to vulnerable Veterans, while they are incarcerated, to engage them in treatment and rehabilitation programs that will assist in preventing their homelessness, readjusting to community life, and desisting from commission of new crimes or parole or probation violations.

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The Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program assists eligible entities in establishing new community-based programs to furnish outreach, supportive services, and transitional housing to homeless Veterans. The goal is to create and help maintain supportive housing and services centers in partnership with nonprofit organizations or state and local government agencies to assist homeless Veterans and their families.

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Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC)

The Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) Mental Health Program provdies for the integration of a full range of mental health services on each VA HBPC team. Each HBPC team has a full-time HBPC Mental Health Provider who serves as a core member of the team, providing evidence-based cognitive and psychological assessment, psychological intervention services, and services for family caregivers of HBPC patients to promote the well-being and management of Veterans in their homes.

Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD-VASH)

The Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD-VASH) Program combines VHA case management with permanent supportive housing (though HUD "Housing Choice" Vouchers) to address the needs of Veterans and their families who are homeless. The program is recovery based and is a key strategy in VA efforts to end homelessness among Veterans.

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Mental Health Intensive Case Management (MHICM)

This is an intensive interdisciplinary team approach to the management and treatment of Veterans with SMI in the community and coordinated with a range of VA and community services. The hallmarks of the program include very frequent contacts between the staff and Veteran, a flexible approach with most contacts occurring in the community, a focus on rehabilitation, and a clear pathway of responsibility with a minimum of one year of continuous involvement.

Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery Treatment Program (MHRRTP)

The Mental Health Rehabilitation and Recovery Treatment Program (MHRRTP) provides state-of-the-art, high-quality residential rehabilitation and treatment services for Veterans with multiple and severe medical conditions, mental illness, addiction, or psychosocial deficits. The MH RRTP identifies and addresses goals of rehabilitation, recovery, health maintenance, improved quality of life, and community integration in addition to specific treatment of medical conditions, mental illnesses, addictive disorders, and homelessness.

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Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC)

The Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC) were established by Congress with the goal of researching the causes and treatments of mental disorders and using education to quickly put new knowledge into routine clinical practice in the VA. There are currently 10 MIRECCs.

Each MIRECC has a different focus (e.g., a clinical disorder, improve functioning) and approach (e.g., genetics, health services) under the larger MIRECC mission. In general, the MIRECCs have research programs, clinical improvement programs, and educational and training programs.

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VISN I MIRECC is a combined effort between researchers and clinicians from VA Medical Centers in West Haven, CT, Newington, CT and Bedford, MA and is under the direction of Bruce Rounsaville, M.D. from VA Connecticut. The mission of VISN I MIRECC is to improve services for veterans with "dual diagnosis", that is veterans with histories of mental illness in combination with addiction problems. These veterans have unique needs, because having two types of illness makes it more difficult to recover from either one.

The mission of VISN 1 MIRECC is to improve services for veterans with "dual diagnosis", that is veterans with histories of mental illness in combination with addiction problems. These veterans have unique needs, because having two types of illness makes it more difficult to recover from either one.

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At the VISN3 MIRECC, the focus is on maximizing recovery for veterans with Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI) by bringing research into practice. Our aim, to reveal the causes and most effective treatments of serious mental illnesses, is accomplished through collaborations between four core domains: research, education, clinical interventions, and evaluation.

The focus is on maximizing recovery for veterans with Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI) by bringing research into practice. Our aim, to reveal the causes and most effective treatments of serious mental illnesses, is accomplished through collaborations between four core domains: research, education, clinical interventions, and evaluation.

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The VISN 4 MIRECC seeks to enhance the overall mental health and substance abuse care of veterans throughout the nation. We will accomplish this through the integration of basic, clinical, and services research and educational and clinical programs. The Stars and Stripes Healthcare Network MIRECC focuses specifically on comorbid general medical, mental health, and/or substance use disorders.

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The VISN 5 MIRECC is part of a nationwide program funded by Congress to improve health care and mental health care for veterans with mental illness. The research, educational activities, and clinical demonstration projects of the VISN 5 MIRECC are specifically focused on schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses.

The purpose of the VA Capitol Healthcare Network (VISN 5) MIRECC is to develop a center for research, training, and service for veterans with schizophrenia and their families. Our work, particularly in regard to substance abuse, and mental health service systems and health care economics, extends to veterans with other severe and persistent mental illnesses (SPMI) as well.

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The VISN 6 MIRECC is organized as a translational medicine multi-site center focused on post deployment mental health. The overarching goals are improving clinical assessment and treatment and development of novel interventions through basic and clinical research. Our internet site is intended to support all stakeholders - veterans and active duty personnel, their family members and friends, healthcare providers, clergy and trainees - in all venues (VA, DoD, community) by providing information and resources related to a broad range of subjects related to common readjustment issues, post deployment mental health needs, evidence-based care, and innovations in development of local, state and national partnerships and systems of care. Methods of delivery include print materials, webcast presentations, and web-based training. An important aspect of our role is translation of challenging research concepts for multiple audiences in order to bridge the gap between research and clinical care.

The VISN 6 MIRECC's internet site provides a wide range of information and resources related to post deployment mental health issues. It is intended to support all stakeholders - veterans and active duty personnel, their family members and friends, healthcare providers, clergy and trainees - in all venues (VA, DoD, community).

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The VISN 16 MIRECC's mission is to improve access to evidence-based practices in rural and other underserved populations, especially returning war veterans, veterans experiencing natural disasters, and vulnerable elderly veterans. The South Central MIRECC's organizational structure includes four major components: Research, Education, Improving Clinical Care, and Research Training.

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VISN 19 MIRECC's mission is to study suicide with the goal of reducing suicidality in the veteran population. To carry out this mission members of the VISN 19 MIRECC will:

  1. Focus on cognitive and neurobiological underpinnings that may contribute to suicidality
  2. Develop evidence-based educational and clinical materials to identify and optimally treat veterans who are suicidal
  3. Provide consultation regarding assessment and treatment planning for highly suicidal veterans
  4. Mentor researchers in the area of suicidology
  5. Collaborate with others in the study and treatment of veterans who are at risk of suicide

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The VISN 20 MIRECC applies modern genetic, neurobiologic and clinical trial methodology to the discovery and development of new and more effective treatments for major and often treatment resistant mental disorders afflicting veterans and the active duty combat personnel who will become veterans. Translational research efforts focus on treatment for PTSD and its substance abuse comorbidities (alcohol and tobacco); the chronic behavioral consequences of mTBI and its objective diagnosis through biomarkers; the elderly veteran with agitated dementia; and schizophrenia and the adverse metabolic consequences of antipsychotic drug therapy.

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The mission of the VISN 21 MIRECC is to build an integrated system of clinical, research, and educational efforts to improve the clinical care for veterans with dementias and PTSD. Dementia and PTSD share common clinical symptoms including cognitive difficulties, sleep disorders and agitation and the SP-MIRECC aims to evaluate current approaches and develop new treatments for these clinical problems.

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The mission of the VISN 22, Desert Pacific MIRECC is to improve the long-term functional outcome of patients with chronic psychotic mental disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and psychotic mood disorders. We approach this mission through an integrated program of research, education, and clinical programs aimed at translating findings from the research laboratory into improved clinical care. Moreover, our program spans the spectrum from basic brain biology to the organization of services for veterans.

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Primary Care - Mental Health Integrated Care Program

The Primary Care-Mental Health Integration Program advances VHA progress in providing primary care patients with availability of integrated services.

Primary Care-Mental Health Integrated Care Program provides evidence-based mental health care, either on site or remotely, in primary care settings. They are designed to:

  • Promote effective treatment of common mental health conditions in the primary care environment (depression, problem drinking, anxiety, PTSD screening)
  • Integrate care for physical and mental health in one setting
  • Allow mental health specialists to focus on patients with more severe illnesses
  • Promote patient engagement and adherence
  • Avoid stigmatization and fragmentation of care
  • Decrease risk of suicide attempts and deaths

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Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery

VA has defined recovery as a journey of healing and transformation enabling Veterans with a mental health condition to live a meaningful life in their community of choice while striving to achieve their full potential. In order to support the rehabilitation and recovery of every Veteran with a mental illness, VA has identified recovery as a guiding principle for its entire mental health service delivery system.

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The Local Recovery Coordinator at each VAMC advocates for the recovery of all Veterans with mental illness, especially those with a serious mental illness and ensures access to and coordination of recovery oriented services. The LRC provides education and support to Veterans, family members, and VA staff members about mental illness and recovery and works to remove any barriers and stigma associated with mental illness.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Services: Peer Support technicians - are individuals trained to help others with serious mental illness identify and achieve specific life and recovery goals. Many current peer support providers are OIF/OEF Veterans.

They assist Veterans with goal setting, problem solving, symptom management skills using a variety of recovery tools. They aim to empower Veterans by helping them identify their strengths, supports, resources, and skills. They advocate on behalf of Veterans in order to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. They identify social supports in the community that promote the integration of Veterans with mental illness into their local communities, and encourage the further expansion of local community resources. While accomplishing these tasks, peer support technicians create the vital element of hope in the Veterans they serve.

Peer Counseling All VAMCs and very large VA clinics must provide counseling from peer support technicians for veterans treated for SMI when this service is clinically indicated and included in the treatment plan. Peer Support technicians serve as role models to Veterans by sharing their personal recovery experiences while they teach and demonstrate skills that facilitate recovery.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (PRRC): A PRRC is a transitional educational center that inspires and assists Veterans to reclaim their lives by instilling hope, validating strengths, teaching skills, and facilitating community integration so Veterans can attain meaningful self-determined roles in the community. A PRRC offers an array of services five days a week for veterans with SMI and significant functional impairment.

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Psychosocial Rehab and Recovery:Family Outreach--Partnering with families, with the Veteran's consent is an essential component to VA mental health services. Research consistently demonstrates that Veterans with mental health disorders experience improved outcomes when families are active participants in their clinical care. Family services may include consultation, professional counseling, marriage and family counseling, training/education and mental health services as needed in connection with the Veteran's treatment plan.

Consistent with a recovery philosophy, flexibility is a key principle when involving families in care. Services must be tailored to the Veteran's phase of illness, symptom level, self-sufficiency, family cancellation, and preferences. A graduated continuum of services are necessary to meet these varied needs and range from engaging the family, to family education and facilitating access to the treatment team, to family involvement in treatment planning, to ongoing, low intensity, problem-focused family consultation, to intensive marriage and family counseling/therapy.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Services: Veterans Mental Health Council (VMHC) is a group of Veteran mental health consumers, Veteran family members and other relevant stakeholders who provide input into VA mental health services. At least one VA staff acts as a liaison to the VMHC, to assist the Council and facilitate communication betweeen the VMHC and local VA MH leadership. VMHC's faciliatate Veteran input, provide a vehicle for sharing information between Veterans and the lcoal VA, promote greater understanding of and collaboration with Veterans and VA and promote understanding and use of VA MH services by all Veteran adn their families.

VMHCs form a positive working relationship with the local VA Medical Center, forming a true partnership and engaging in open dialogue with VA, for the continued improvement of VA mental health services. VMHC's can assist the local VA with many projects such as assistance with MIAW, Standdowns, outreach to vulnerable Veteran populations (homeless, OEF/OIF) and many others.

CWT Transitional and Supported Employment utilize work-based treatment to facilitate and strengthen vocational rehabilitation potential and to provide a continuum of employment support services including: vocational assistance, job skill development, job placement, and supportive job follow-up services.

Transitional Work Experience (TWE) and Supported Employment (SE): Each VAMC must offer TWE and SE services for veterans who have occupational dysfunction resulting from a mental health condition or a co-occurring physical disability including SMI and who would benefit from this program.

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The PTSD Section coordinates PTSD clinical programs across the VA system in collaboration with other program offices such as Readjustment Counseling Service and the Poly Trauma section of Rehabilitation Service.

The National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD) was created in 1989 within the Department of Veterans Affairs in response to a Congressional mandate (PL 98-528) to address the needs of veterans with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder.

NCPTSD supports the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.

Services for Returning Veterans-Mental Health (SeRV-MH) teams, also known as Mental Health Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) teams, have been established across the VA system since 2005. These programs focus on early identification and management of stress related disorders and may decrease the long term disease burden on returning troops. Since Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, 93 SeRV-MH Teams have been established across the VA system.

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Services for Returning Veterans-Mental Health (SeRV-MH)

Services for Returning Veterans-Mental Health (SeRV-MH) teams, also known as Mental Health Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) teams, have been established across the VA system since 2005. These programs focus on early identification and management of stress related disorders and may decrease the long term disease burden on returning troops. Since Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, 93 SeRV-MH Teams have been established across the VA system.

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Substance Use Disorders

VHA's Substance Use Disorders program is to provides effective, safe, and compassionate treatment to Veterans with substance use disorders. Substance Use Disorder care may be offered in specific clinics or in primary health care or mental health services.

VA facilities screen for alcohol problems at least annually and for other drug problems on an as-indicated basis. Treatment includes medical detoxification and stabilization, intensive outpatient rehabilitation, residential treatment with a substance use disorder track, medications to assist recovery, and care integrated with Primary Care and other specialty needs including PTSD. Psychosocial and other proven treatments are available.

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Suicide Prevention

The Suicide Prevention Program is based on the premise that ready access to high quality mental health services as well as programs designed to address suicide directly is important. A "knowledge bank" has been developed and designed to provide information about VA Mental Health services, access to the Suicide Prevention Hotline, and on-line access to a VA counselor via Veterans Chat.

Suicide Prevention Teams at each VA facility and largest Community Based Clinics provide access services as well as monitor and track high risk patients in order to assure that an enhanced level of care will be provided. Both the VA Suicide Prevention Hotline and Veterans Chat provide immediate access to a VA counselor and referrals to local sites for care.

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VA Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Training Programs

VA Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Training Programs - VA is strongly committed to making state-of-the-art, evidence-based psychological treatments widely available to veterans. To stimulate efforts to make these treatments widely available throughout VHA, the Office of Mental Health Services has developed national iniatitves to train VA mental health staff in the delivery of evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD, depression, and serious mental illness, which are actively underway.

The Local Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Coordinator supports the local implementation and sustainability of evidence-based psychotherapies. Each medical center has a designated Local Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Coordinator who serves as a champion for EBPs at the local level, providing clinical support and education and promoting local systems and administrative structures to facilitate the implementation of EBPs on the ground.

VA Training for College and University Staff

  • Provides university and college campus couneseling staff with information about unique challenges that veterans face in adjusting to college after deployment in war
  • Provides information about common mental health issues for veteran students and how to link them up with resources to help with coping and adjustment to the college experience

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