Mark Hilgart



  1. "Step-through debugging of GLSL shaders",
    M Hilgart
    School of Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago, USA (2006).


  2. "User facility at GM/CA-CAT beamlines in Sector 23 of the APS",
    R.Sanishvili, R.F.Fischetti, M.Becker, R.Benn, S.Corcoran, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, V.Nagarajan, C.Ogata, W.W.Smith, S.Stepanov, S.Trznadel, S.Hu, D.Yoder, and J.L.Smith,
    In: Users Week 2007 for APS, CNM, EMC and IPNS, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 7-12, (2007), p.140.

  3. "Recent BluIce-EPICS developments at GM/CA-CAT",
    S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, and O.Makarov,
    In: Users Week 2007 for APS, CNM, EMC and IPNS, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 7-12, (2007), p.178.

  4. "EPICS controlled sample mounting robots at the GM/CA CAT",
    O.A.Makarov, R.Benn, S.Corcoran, S.Devarapalli, R.Fischetti, M.Hilgart, W.W.Smith, S.Stepanov, and S. Xu,
    Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A, v.582, p.156-158, (2007).


  5. "GMCA-CAT beamline controls for macromolecular crystallography: Gaining maturity",
    S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, and S.Pothineni,
    In: Users Week 2008 for APS, CNM, and EMC, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 5-8, (2008), p.106-107.

  6. "User-friendly micro-diffraction capabilities at GMCA-CAT",
    V.Nagarajan, M.Hilgart, S.Pothineni, S.Xu, S.Stepanov, M.Becker, O.Makarov, N.Sanishvilli, C.Ogata, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: Users Week 2008 for APS, CNM, and EMC, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 5-8, (2008), p.107-108.

  7. "Status of BluIce-EPICS beamline control system for macromolecular crystallography",
    S. Stepanov, O.Makarov, M.Hilgart, S.B.Pothineni, D.Yoder, N.Venugopalan, and R.Fischetti,
    In: NOBUGS-2008 Conference Program & Abstracts, ANSTO, Sydney, Australia, November, 3-5, (2008), p.45.

  8. "Integration of sample automounters at GMCA CAT protein crystallography beamlines",
    O.Makarov, R.Benn, S.Corcoran, R.Fischetti, M.Hilgart, C.Ogata, S.Pothineni, S. Stepanov, and S.Xu,
    In: NOBUGS-2008 Conference Program & Abstracts, ANSTO, Sydney, Australia, November, 3-5, (2008), p.46. 2009


  9. "Mini-beam collimator enables microcrystallography experiments on standard beamlines",
    R.F.Fischetti, S.Xu, D.W.Yoder, M.Becker, V.Nagarajan, R.Sanishvili, M.C.Hilgart, S.Stepanov, O.Makarov and J.L.Smith,
    J. Synchrotron Rad. v.16, Part 2, p.217-225, (2009).

  10. "Finding Gems in Low-Quality Crystalline Proteins with an X-ray Mini-Beam",
    Janet L.Smith, Jennifer Jerret, Shenglan Hu, Derek W.Yoder, Oleg Makarov, Mark C.Hilgart, Sergey Stepanov, Sudhir Pothineni, Stephen Corcoran, Venugopalan Nagarajan, Craig Ogata, Ruslan Sanishvili, Michael Becker and Robert F.Fischetti,
    In: Users Week 2009 for APS, CNM, and EMC, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 4-6, (2009), p.13.

  11. "Diffraction/fluorescence rastering and automated on-the-fly fluorescence scanning at GM/CA CAT",
    M.C.Hilgart, S.Stepanov, R.Sanishvili, N.Venugopalan, D.Yoder, and R.Fischetti,
    In: Users Week 2009 for APS, CNM, and EMC, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 4-6, (2009), p.51.

  12. "GM/CA-CAT tools for remote controls: Automated screening, robotic sample changer, WebIce, beam alignment and crystal centering software",
    S.Pothineni, O.Makarov, N.Venugopalan, C.Ogata, M.Hilgart, S.Stepanov and R.Fischetti,
    In: Users Week 2009 for APS, CNM, and EMC, Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 4-6, (2009), p.53.

  13. "Rastering strategy for screening and centering of microcrystal samples of human membrane proteins with a sub-10 um size X-ray synchrotron beam",
    V.Cherezov, M.A.Hanson, M.T.Griffith, M.C.Hilgart, R.Sanishvili, V.Nagarajan, S.Stepanov, R.F.Fischetti, P.Kuhn and R.C.Stevens,
    J. Royal Soc. Interface v.6, Suppl.5, p.S587-S597, (2009).

  14. "Micro-crystallography developments at GM/CA-CAT at the APS",
    S.Xu, O.Makarov, R.Benn, D.Yoder, S.Stepanov, M.Becker, S.Corcoran, M.Hilgart, V.Nagarajan, C.Ogata, S.Pothineni, R.Sanishvili, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI-2009), Collected Abstracts, Melbourne, Australia, September 27 - October 2, (2009); AIP Conference Proceedings, 1234, 905-908 (2010).


  15. "Latest BluIce-EPICS developments including collection along a vector",
    M.C.Hilgart, C.Ogata, S.Pothineni, S.Stepanov, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: 2010 APS/EMC Users Meeting Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 3-5, (2010), p.A46.

  16. "Micro-beam macromolecular crystallography and reduced radiation damage",
    R.F.Fischetti, M.Becker, S.Corcoran, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, V.Nagarajan, C.Ogata, S.Pothineni, G.Rosenbaum, R.Sanishvili, S.Stepanov, S.Vogt, S.Xu, D.W.Yoder, and J.L.Smith.
    In: ISDSB 2010, 3rd International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology. Paris-Sud/XI University, Orsay, France. May 25-28th, (2010).

  17. "BLUICE-EPICS: a modern control system with classical look for macromolecular crystallography at the Advanced Photon Source",
    S.Stepanov, O.Makarov, M.Hilgart, S.Pothineni, D.Yoder, M.Becker, C.Ogata, R.Sanishvili, N.Venugopalan, J.Smith, and R.Fischetti,
    In: 2010 ACA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Chicago, IL, USA, July 24-29, (2010), No.M-157.

  18. "Automated crystal centering implementation at GM/CA beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source using XREC",
    S.B.Pothineni, D.Watts, S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, N.Venugopalan, R.Sanishvili, C.Ogata, J.Smith, V.Lamzin, and R.Fischetti,
    In: 2010 ACA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Chicago, IL, USA, July 24-29, (2010), No.M-169.

  19. "Capabilities at GM/CA CAT Beam Lines at the APS",
    N.Venugopalan, M.Becker, S.Corcoran, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, C.Ogata, S.B.Pothineni, R.Sanishvili, S.Stepanov, S.Xu, D.Yoder, J.Smith, and R.Fischetti,
    In: 2010 ACA Annual Meeting Abstracts, Chicago, IL, USA, July 24-29, (2010), No.T-215.

  20. "'Invisible' crystals: strategies for locating, centring and collecting data using micrometre-sized X-ray beams",
    D.Aragao, M.Becker, D.Li, M.Hilgart, J.Lyons, D.Yoder, S.Stepanov, R.Fischetti, and M.Caffrey,
    In: The 13th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules (ICCBM13), Collected Abstracts, Dublin, Ireland, September 12-15, (2010), p.40.

  21. "Lessons and solutions learned from marrying BluIce and EPICS",
    S. Stepanov, O.Makarov, M.Hilgart, S.B.Pothineni, D.Yoder, and R.Fischetti,
    In: NOBUGS-2010 Conference Program & Abstracts, Gatlinburg, TN, October, 9-13, (2010).

  22. "JBluIce-EPICS: A New GUI for Macromolecular Crystallography at the Advanced Photon Source",
    M.Hilgart, S.B.Pothineni, S. Stepanov, O.Makarov, N.Venugopalan, M.Becker, R.Sanishvili, C.Ogata, D.Yoder, and R.Fischetti,
    In: NOBUGS-2010 Conference Program & Abstracts, Gatlinburg, TN, October, 9-13, (2010).


  23. "JBluIce-EPICS control system for macromolecular crystallography",
    S.Stepanov, O.Makarov, M.Hilgart, S.B.Pothineni, A.Urakhchin, S.Devarapalli, D.Yoder, M.Becker, C.Ogata, R.Sanishvili, N.Venugopalan, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    Acta Cryst., v.D67, p.176-188, (2011).

  24. "Fast fluorescence techniques for crystallography beamlines",
    S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, D.Yoder, O.Makarov, M.Becker, R.Sanishvili, C.Ogata, N.Venugopalan, D.Arago, M.Caffrey, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    J. Appl. Crystallogr., v.44, No 4, p.772-778 (2011).

  25. "Automated sample scanning methods for radiation damage mitigation and diffraction-based centering of macromolecular crystals",
    M.Hilgart, R.Sanishvili, C.Ogata, M.Becker, N.Venugopalan, S.Stepanov, O.Makarov, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    J. Synch. Rad., v.18, p.717-722, (2011).

  26. "JBluIce-EPICS beamline control system for macromolecular crystallography",
    S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, S.Podhineni, D.Yoder, M.Becker, C.Ogata, R.Sanishvili, V.Nagarajan, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: XXII Congress of the IUCr, Collected Abstracts, Madrid, Spain, August 22-30, (2011); Acta Crystallogr., v.A67, p.C277, (2011).

  27. "Automation and remote control at GM/CA CAT at the APS",
    C.Ogata, R.Sanishvili, M.Hilgart, S.Stepanov, M.Becker, V.Nagarajan, S.Xu, O.Makarov, S.Podhineni, D.Yoder, S.Corcoran, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: XXII Congress of the IUCr, Collected Abstracts, Madrid, Spain, August 22-30, (2011); Acta Crystallogr., v.A67, p.C279, (2011). 2012


  28. "Finding and Keeping Small Crystals in the Beam",
    M.Becker, C.Ogata, S.Corcoran, D.W.Yoder, S.Stepanov, M.Hilgart, O.Makarov, R.Sanishvili, S.Xu, D.Ferguson, N.Venugopalan, C.Dettmar, S.Toth, J.Madden, D.J.Kissick, G.J.Simpson, J.L.Smith, and R.F.Fischetti,
    In: 2012 APS/EMC Users Meeting Program & Abstracts, Argonne, IL, USA, May 7-9, (2012), p.92.