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03 May 2012

USCIS now on Facebook!

Did you know USCIS is now on Facebook?  Check out our page for the latest news, events, informational videos, and learn more about our nation’s immigration history on our timeline. Visit us today for that and more at


At May 7, 2012 at 4:11:00 PM EDT , Anonymous salvatore said...

Thanks for this useful info, I will become fan just now :)

At May 11, 2012 at 9:55:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What difference it makes even if you cameup with idea of facebook.
on your blogs it does not matter what people write and request you. You dont care.You got to do what you got to do.It looks likes USCIS dont care and listen to what people say .

Its so disappointing and shameful the way USCIS is handling India EB3 processing dates.
People who are stuck in your beaurocratic maze not only they but even their families here and their parents back in india are suffering. As they cannot travel backhome frequently or are harrassed due to AP travel system.

what a shameful and inhumane handling of India EB3 cases . !!

At May 14, 2012 at 5:48:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Ryan @ Seattle said...

It will be a great window to communicate. No wonder 4,539 people already clicked 'Like' buttons. I'm sure many people will get benefits from it.

At May 15, 2012 at 2:37:00 PM EDT , Anonymous ImmigrationRoad said...

Wonderful! USCIS has clearly seen the value and usefulness of social networks, and I'm glad to see you on Twitter, YouTube and now Facebook. I'm just curious whether USCIS will have full-time staff working on social media.

As you know, one huge reason for most businesses to be on social media is customer interaction: It is a much easier, more effective and more "personal" way to hear and respond to customers. Somehow I feel that USCIS can do a better job in that regard handling blog comments, as an example.

It is understandable that USCIS will receive the same questions repeatedly. It is just the nature of serving such a huge customer base. And I recognize USCIS' efforts to address some of them, such as blogging about what USCIS is or is not authorized to do. However, there are many legitimate questions from user comments that have been completely ignored. In fact, I don't even remember when was last time I saw USCIS responding to a user comment.

Being on social network is one thing, making it a two-way communication platform is another. I hope USCIS will be able to take advantage of the popularity of Facebook and become truly interactive with your customers.

At July 11, 2012 at 8:05:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Greg said...

Great news that you guys are now on Facebook! I have liked "you" and will recommend your page to my friends.

The best part of it is that as ImmigrationRoad said, when its a two way relationship it really improves the brand image and over all reputation of USCIS. It would be great to see a team taking charge of the FB page and adding real value by helping those who have questions or concerns. Good Luck and thanks! :)

At July 24, 2012 at 5:11:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Paul F Davis said...

Thank you for your service to our country and willingness to be accessible in more places online including Facebook.

At September 26, 2012 at 4:08:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Como controlar la eyaculación precoz said...

Thanks for the information, good to know you have a presence on Facebook because it is more comfortable to know the respective updates through this social network

At October 5, 2012 at 11:27:00 AM EDT , Blogger Papri Khan said...

This site all product is nice and amazing. I love your post! It's also nice to see someone who does a lot of research and has a great knack for ting, which is pretty rare from bloggers these days.

At October 20, 2012 at 2:31:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Bell said...

Thanks for this useful info


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