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Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student's education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education (the Department), though the entity you deal with, your loan servicer, can be a private business.

With Direct Loans, you

  • Borrow directly from the federal government and have a single contact—your loan servicer—for everything related to repayment, even if you receive Direct Loans at different schools.
  • Have online access to your Direct Loan account information via your servicer's website.
  • Can choose from several repayment plans that are designed to meet the needs of almost any borrower, and you can switch repayment plans if your needs change.

Applying for Direct Loans

A quick introduction to Direct Loans and how they fit into your award package.


While you're in school

How the school disburses (pays out) Direct Loans to you and your rights and responsibilities while you're in school.


When you graduate or leave school

The things you need to do when you graduate or stop attending at least half-time, including exit counseling and choosing a repayment plan.


While you're in repayment

Your rights and responsibilities while you're repaying your Direct Loans, including deferment and cancellation options.


loan features

► Interest rates

Direct Subsidized Loans for undergraduates with a first disbursement date between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2013:


Direct Subsidized Loans for graduate students and Direct Unsubsidized Loans for all students:


Direct PLUS Loans:


More about interest rates

Repayment plans

Postponing payments

Loan cancellation and consolidation

Last updated October 25, 2012

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