United States Department of Agriculture
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Updated 10/17/2012

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Bog turtle

Bog Turtle Conservation

Listing Status: Threatened

bog turtleThe bog turtle, American’s smallest turtle, is federally listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Bog turtles depend upon an open, sunny, spring fed wetlands with scattered dry areas, and can be an indicator of water quality and wetland function. The greatest threats to bog turtles include habitat degradation and fragmentation from land conversion, habitat succession due to invasive exotic and native plants, and illegal trade and collecting.

Private landowners own the majority of remaining bog turtle habitat; good livestock grazing management has helped to conserve bog turtle habitat, demonstrating the important role that agriculture can play in conservation.Map of Target Areas for Bog Turtle Conservation

Goals and Objectives

Through Working Lands for Wildlife, NRCS will assist private landowners combat habitat fragmentation and degradation to restore bog turtle populations in seven states, and increase landowner confidence that the conservation practices they volunteer to implement will not harm the species or its habitat. Restoration activities will complement the existing NRCS Wetland Reserve Program effort to protect bog turtle habitat.

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Bog Turtle Fact Sheet (187KB)
Bog Turtle Focus Area Map (373KB)

bog turtle habitatCore Conservation Practices
  • Restoration & Management of Rare & Declining Habitats (643)
  • Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644)
  • Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)
  • Early Successional Habitat Development/Management (647)
Supporting Conservation Practices
  • Brush Management (314)
  • Herbaceous Weed Control (315)
  • Conservation Cover (327)
  • Prescribed Burning (338)
  • Fence (382)
  • Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)
  • Riparian Forest Buffer (391)
  • Filter Strip (393)
  • Stream Habitat Improvement (395)
  • Grade Stabilization (410)
  • Access Control (472)
  • Prescribed Grazing (528)
  • Stream Crossing (578)
  • Streambank and Shoreline Protection (580)
  • Structure for Water Control (587)
  • Watering Facility (614)
  • Wetland Restoration (657)
  • Wetland Enhancement (659)

How to Apply

Program Contacts

Barry Frantz
Assistant State Conservationist for Programs
(717) 237-2216

Barry Isaacs
State Biologist
(717) 237-2219