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July 27, 2012


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$50 billion for good projects, good jobs


Hang in there Ray!!
You are doing a good job.

An excellent step forward in the important task of rebuilding our transportation infrastructure across all modes, creating thousands of new jobs and helping our economy grow. Kudos to Secretary La Hood and the Obama administration for taking this innovative approach. I look forward to having a better and safer ride on our highways and improved rail and public transit travel options that are so important to us all, but especially those of us who are seniors, students and young professionals.

Secretary LaHood,

Can cities and states use this money to build more sidewalks, bike paths, and pedestrian/bike facilities to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable road users?

We have far too many roads without sidewalks and bike paths. This needs to be addressed sooner than later.


I think this will create the economic and social development, in addition will help people travel more,

Also social development will not lead to lost jobs. I also look forward to all this.

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