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Instructions for Completing Optional Form OF-8 Cover Sheet for Position Descriptions at NIH

This document is intended to assist HR Specialists in properly completing the cover sheet (OF-8) for any type of position description. Each number listed below corresponds with the block number on the OF-8, in QuickHire. Please complete each block on the OF-8.

1. Agency Position No.: Position Descriptions must be assigned a Control Number in Block 1. Currently, the first two characters of the Position Description Number are alpha designators that correspond to the Institute/Center (or equivalent) level administrative code; characters three and four correspond to the last two characters of the calendar year in which the position description is established; and the remaining characters are in sequence per the date established. The letter ‘T’ may fill the final character space to designate “Trainee” assignments.

2. Reason for Submission: In this block the reason for completing a new OF-8 needs to be identified. Based on the brief descriptors of each option (below), select the appropriate reason for submission. Whenever a position number is being changed, cite the old position number with the explanation: “In lieu of PD#__________.

"Redescription" means the duties and/or responsibilities of an existing position are being changed. Document the reason for the Redescription under "Explanation".
"New" means the position has not previously existed.
"Reestablishment" means the previously abolished position is re-activated.
"Other" covers such things as change in title, occupational series, or supervisor without a change in duties or responsibilities.

NOTE: In the case where "Other" has been checked, the "Explanation" section should be used to document the specific reason, as well as any position(s) replaced by the new position number, title, pay plan, occupational code, and grade.

3. Service: In this block there are two (2) selections from which to choose. A selection is made and block checked depending upon which definition applies to the position that is being established. These are:

Headquarters: This block would be filled in as Headquarters for any position that is established/classified at the NIH level. This may include certain positions within the immediate office of the IC Director.

Field: Any position that is established/classified at the IC level.

4. Employing Office Location: Enter geographic location by city and state. The employing office location is: Bethesda, MD.

5. Duty Station: Enter geographical location if different from that of #4 for those locations designated by the NIH as official posts of duty. For example, Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, Frederick, MD, Durham, NC, Hamilton, MT, Phoenix, AZ.

6. OPM Certification Number: The OPM Certification Number has three (3) purposes: 1) In the event an OPM appeal affects the classification of a position, this would be completed by OPM; 2) An NIH appeal decision that changes the appealed position of record; or 3) With the redelegation of authority the Director, NIH has been delegated authority to classify any position above GS-15. This may include senior level (SL/ST) positions. In these cases, the Office of Human Resources, Office of the Director, NIH, will complete this block.

7. Fair Labor Standards Act - Exempt or Nonexempt: Select one block to indicate whether the incumbent is exempt or non-exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This information is documented in the Evaluation Statement, signed by the classifier. Changes to previously determined FLSA coverage decisions are documented by addendum to the original Evaluation Statement. Refer to the FLSA Summary Information and FLSA Decision Matrix documents that are located on the Classification website under NIH Position Management and Classification Guidance for FLSA summary information and definitions.

8. Financial Statement Required: Please refer to the following links for more information:,

Choose one of the following options to complete this block:

None - Choose this option if the position does not require financial disclosure.

Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure - This block is selected for any SES position. Utilize the SF-278 form.

Employment and Financial Interest - Choose this block for senior level positions and positions at or below GS-15 in which the nature of duties require that the incumbent be reviewed for potential conflict of interest issues. Examples of positions include contracting; procurement; administration of grants and licenses; regulating/auditing non-Federal entities; other activities having a substantial economic effect on Federal entities; or, law enforcement. Utilize the OGE-450 form.

9. Subject to IA (Identical Additional) Action: This block consists of two (2) sections:

(1) Yes: Some positions may support more than one full-time equivalent (FTE) allocation performing the same work. When this is the case, it means that identical additional positions are permitted and would serve on the same Position Description, therefore yes would be checked. (For Example, a description written for a Human Resources Specialist, GS-201-12.)

No: If there is not enough work to support more than one FTE, no would be the appropriate block to mark due to the existing workload.

(2) Code: Agencies may show the number of such positions authorized in the number field. Leave this field blank.

Please refer to the Position Management and Classification Guidance document located on the Classification website under NIH Position Management and Classification Guidance.

10. Position Status: Indicates whether the position is Competitive, Excepted, SES (General) or SES (Career Reserve [CR]). Fill in the appropriate block based on the following definitions:

Competitive - Covers positions that are in the "classified (competitive) civil service", i.e., all civilian positions in the executive branch (unless specifically excepted by statute or OPM). This is the position status that will typically be filled in for most positions.

Excepted - Covers positions outside the competitive civil service as used in existing statutes and Executive orders. The Excepted Service includes all civilian positions in the executive branch that are specifically excepted from the requirements of the Civil Service Act.

SES (General) - Covers general positions in the Senior Executive Service; may be filled by a career, noncareer, or limited appointee.

SES (Career Reserved) - Covers Career Reserved positions; may be filled only by a career appointee. This block is typically indicated for NIH SES positions.

11. Position is: USOPM defines six (6) options. They are: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Codes 2, 4, and 8 are the most commonly used codes. Refer to the Supervisory Code Decisions document on the Classification website under NIH Position Management and Classification Guidance for additional information.

Code 2 - Supervisory

Position must meet the minimum criteria for coverage under the General Schedule Supervisory Guide (GSSG) or the Federal Wage System Job Grading Standard for Supervisors. Work is accomplished through the direction of other people. Under GSSG, the supervisory responsibilities must constitute a major duty occupying at least 25% of the position's time, and meet at least the lowest level of Factor 3. Supervisory responsibilities must include assigning and reviewing work; assuring that production and accuracy requirements are met; approving leave and recommending performance standards and ratings. Under FWS for Supervisors, the supervisory work 1) is paramount in knowledge and experience of trades, crafts, and laboring work, and 2) is regular and recurring in sufficient amount to warrant evaluation to this Standard. Choose code 2.

Code 4 - Supervisor (Civil Service Reform Act definition)

Position meets the labor management definition of manager as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7103(a)(10), but does not meet the General Schedule Supervisory Guide definition of supervisor/manager. The labor management definition of supervisor means an individual employed by an agency having authority in the interest of the agency to hire, direct, assign, promote, reward, transfer, furlough, lay off, recall, suspend, discipline or remove employees, to adjust their grievances or to effectively recommend such action, if the exercise of the authority is not merely routine or clerical in nature but requires consistent exercise of independent judgment. Position is not titled “Supervisory" and is not required to serve a supervisory probation period. Choose code 4.

Code 5 - Management Official (Civil Service Reform Act definition)

Position meets the labor management definition of manager as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7103(a)(11), but does not meet the General Schedule Supervisory Guide definition of supervisor/manager or the definition of supervisor in 5 U.S.C. 7103(a)(10). Management Official refers to an individual who is in a position in which the duties and responsibilities require or authorize the individual to formulate, determine, or influence the policies of the agency. Position is not required to serve a managerial probation period. Choose code 5.

Code 6 - Work Leader

One-grade interval position is titled with the prefix “Lead” and meets the minimum requirements of the Work Leader Grade-Evaluation Guide, wherein the position provides technical direction over one-grade interval work being performed but does not perform administrative supervisory responsibilities. Choose code 6.

Code 7 - Team Leader

Two-grade interval position is titled with the prefix “Lead” and meets the requirements of the General Schedule Team Leader Guide, wherein the position provides technical direction over two-grade interval work being performed but does not perform administrative supervisory responsibilities. Choose code 7.

Code 8 - Neither

If the position does not meet the coverage definition, indicate "Neither" which is Code 8.

12. Sensitivity - A background check is completed on all government employees. The type of position that is occupied determines the level and intensity of the background check. There are three levels of sensitivity - 1) Non-Sensitive; 2) Public Trust; 3) National Security for security purposes. You may also refer to the HHS Personnel Security/Suitability Handbook at the following URL: Adobe PDF icon

13. Competitive Level Code (CLC) - This field contains the agency-specific Occupational Specialty Code (OSC). The OSC defines the specialized knowledge, skills, abilities and selective factors that are needed to carry out the agency’s mission. The OSC is a key component of the Competitive Level Code. The assignment of the CLC is very important since it is used in placement and reduction-in-force actions. In order to determine the appropriate OSC to assign, refer to the OSC reference book maintained by each CSD Branch. If an appropriate code is not already established, a code may be requested from OHR/SPB. A request form and procedures are appended to OSC policy issuance. You may submit this form to the appropriate contact person in SPB via e-mail or fax.

14. Agency Use - This block is used for any additional coding. No NIH action is required for this block.

15. Drug Test Required - All NIH positions are subject to random drug testing; certain positions are subject to mandatory drug testing prior to appointment and periodically, thereafter. Positions that require completion of drug screening and/or other minimum medical standards are designated as such in the position descriptions and evaluation statements at the time that they are certified by the supervisor and classifier. Periodic reviews of random designations are completed when required within HHS.

16. ADP Status - If this is an Automated Data Processing position, as defined below, then you will place a ‘C’ in this box.

C - Any Federal service and contractor position in which the incumbent has a “hands on” role as a programmer or operator or has access to a mainframe computer, personal computer (PC), mini computer, or word processor that is linked to others to form an Automated Information System (AIS) that allows for data manipulation. This position functional sensitivity designation must take into account the nature of information, the uses for the data, control and authentication of individual users, methods or techniques used to augment or protect the safeguarding of AIS information, and physical security safeguards and access controls.

Please access the HHS Automated Information Systems Security Program Handbook at the following URL: for detailed information about the IT sensitivity levels.

17. Classified/Graded by; Official Title of Position; Pay Plan; Occupational Code; Grade; Initials; and Date - This chart provides information pertaining to:

Classified by - The various organizational levels at which a position could be established and classified (listed below is an explanation of each level);
Official title of the position - The title that is assigned to the position based on how the position is officially classified.
Pay plan in which the position belongs - For example: ES, GS, or WG.

Occupational code - This is a subdivision of the occupation group or job family in which the position is appropriately assigned when classifying the position. For example, the Microbiology Series, GS-403, is the occupation code within the Job Family Standard for Professional Occupations in the Natural and Life Sciences, GS-400.

Scientific and engineering positions have a functional classification code that is used by the National Science Foundation and others to study the composition of the workforce. Administrative, clerical, and Federal Wage System occupations are coded ‘non-applicable.’ The list of all covered occupations and codes are located in the Introduction to the Position Classification Standards at the following URL: Adobe PDF icon

For positions at NIH, the two-digit functional classification code should be in parentheses immediately following the occupational code. There are three codes that are generally used at the NIH: a) positions covered by the Research Grade Evaluation Guide is Research (11); and b) positions covered by the Research Grants Grade Evaluation Guide is Research Contract and Grant Administration code (12); and, c) Clinical Practice, Counseling, and Ancillary Medical Services which is (81).

Grade level of the position. Enter to the two-character numeric grade or level of the position.

Initials of the person who classifies the position. QuickClassification will auto populate this item with the classifier’s QuickClassification user ID.

Date on which the position is classified. Enter the date the classifier signs the OF-8 in the format mm/dd/yy.

Lines 17 a. - 17 e. This chart reflects at what level the position is established and classified.

17 a. U.S. Office of Personnel Management: the Office of Personnel Management completes this line. No NIH action is required.

17 b. Department, Agency or Establishment. This line is for any positions classified and established at the HHS or NIH level. (Example: SES positions)

17 c. Second Level Review - This line is for any positions classified and established at Client Services Division level.

17 d. First Level Review - Completed by classifier at the Client Services Division Branch level with delegated authority. The classifier completes the Official Title of the Position; Pay Plan; Occupational Code; Grade; Functional Code (if appropriate); Initials; and Dates. This indicates the position is established and the date it is established.

17 e. Recommended by Supervisor or Initiating Office - Completed by the supervisor who certifies the accuracy of the position description. This is the title, pay plan, occupational code, and grade that he/she recommends.

18. Enter the organizational, functional, or working title if it differs from the official title.

19. Enter the name of the incumbent. If there is no incumbent, enter "vacant."

20. This chart provides for the various levels of where the position fits within the organizational structure, beginning with the highest level (department, agency, or establishment) down to the lowest level in the system to which the position reports. Positions within the NIH would be:

Line 20. HHS
20a. NIH
20b. IC
20c. Next organizational level below IC.
20d. Next organizational level below that identified in 20c.
20e. Next organizational level below that identified in 20d.

21. Employee Review - If the position is encumbered, have the incumbent read the attached description of duties and responsibilities. The employee's signature is optional.

22. Supervisory Certification - In block (a) the name and title of the immediate supervisor is typed and s/he signs and dates in the block below (a). By signing, the supervisor certifies that the position description is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities. Completion of block (b) is optional. In this block a higher-level supervisor or manager may sign certifying the statement of duties is accurate.

23. Classification/Job Grading Certification - This block is where the name and title of the individual who has delegated classification authority is typed and s/he signs and dates certifying that the position has been classified in compliance with standards published by USOPM (or if no published standards applied directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards). More information is available at the following URL:

24. Position Classification Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position- In this section, include the title and date of each Position Classification Standard (PCS) and/or Evaluation Guide referenced or used in determining the title, series, and grade of the position.

25. Position Review - This chart is completed by the supervisor of record, the employee, and the classifier when any official review is done of the position, e.g., when the position is reestablished. If the position continues to be accurately described, the supervisor recertifies by initialing and dating the original OF-8. The classifier initials and dates his/her concurrence that the established title, pay plan, series, and grade established in item 15 remain accurate.

Clarifications and/or pen-and-ink notations may be appended at this time. Minor changes may be made to the position description in pen and ink in the body of the PD with the supervisor initialing and dating those changes. If the supervisor has initialed pen and ink changes to the body of the PD, those changes should also be initialed and dated by the classifier, indicating that they have no impact on the classification of the position. Major changes should result in creating an entirely new PD. (As with any new PD, the supervisor should complete a new OF-8 and submit the new PD and cover sheet along with an SF-52 or its automated equivalent to the HR Specialist for the servicing area.)

26. Remarks - This section is used by the NIH for additional coding or documentation requirements or for any appropriate remarks such as the following:

Documenting Career Ladder (CL) - Cite PD numbers

  • Include the title, series, grade, and PD number of the Full Performance Level (FPL) positions as well as any established career ladder positions at lower levels; or,

Documenting Full Performance Level (FPL) - As applicable, state that the position has ‘no known promotion potential.’

Documenting Interdisciplinary Positions - cite range of professional/scientific occupational series for the position, for example: GS-401/602/1320. The position is not actually classified until the selection is made and the academic discipline in which he/she qualified is documented. If the 602 series is included, the following statement should be included which reads: "When classified in the 602 series, this position requires a fully qualified physician and is covered for payment under the Physicians Comparability Act (PCA) or Physician Special Pay (PSP) as appropriate". If the 602 series is an appropriate one for recruitment, this statement remains on the OF-8 whether or not the position is filled in the 602 series at that time. Administrative occupations may not be considered interdisciplinary.

Documenting Position Sensitivity Designation (e.g., High Risk, Moderate Risk, Low Risk); the Security Access Code; and, the required investigation (e.g., NACI, MBI, etc.). You may also reference HHS Instruction 731-1, January 8, 1998.

Non-Sensitive (Level 1) - The majority of NIH positions are non-sensitive and require NACI investigation per E.O. 10450, post-appointment.

Public Trust (Levels 5 &6) - duties include policy-making, major program responsibility, access to sensitive, proprietary, or financial information, audit, law enforcement, or security responsibilities, etc.

National Security (Levels 2, 3, & 4) -requires a security clearance for access to classified national security information (very limited NIH need).

Documenting Position Functional Sensitivity Designation (e.g., ‘C’-computer; ‘N’-not computer, ‘F’-Title 42 Indefinite, ‘G’-Title 42 non-indefinite). See HHS Instruction 731-1.

C - Any Federal service and contractor position in which the incumbent has a “hands on” role as a programmer or operator or has access to a mainframe computer, personal computer (PC), mini computer, or word processor that is linked to others to form an Automated Information System (AIS) that allows for data manipulation. This position functional sensitivity designation must take into account the nature of information, the uses for the data, control and authentication of individual users, methods or techniques used to augment or protect the safeguarding of AIS information, and physical security safeguards and access controls.

Documenting Bargaining Union Status Codes - These codes indicate whether a position is covered by a Union. Refer to the Bargaining Unit Status Code Determination Checklist located on the Classification website under NIH Position Management and Classification Guidance.

The codes that are to be used are:

8888 Not eligible - Excluded from the bargaining unit per Federal Labor Law. Includes management, supervisory, human resources, confidential, security, consultants, and advisory board member employees; and, employees in positions designated for less than 13 consecutive month appointments. Please refer to the Bargaining Unit Status Code Determination Checklist for designated code for the bargaining unit that has exclusive coverage of the position.

7777 Eligible - Eligible for bargaining unit, but not currently represented by the union. Include positions not covered above; include appointees to positions designated to extend for more than 13 consecutive months (i.e., appointments with not-to-exceed dates of more than 13 months).

27. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities - This is the position description that is attached to the OF-8. The NIH position number should be reflected on each page of the narrative position description.

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This page was last reviewed on February 14, 2013