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Integrated Cropping Systems and Water Management Handbook (AGRO-76)

Photo Diagram of Integrated Cropping SystemA sustainable cropping system is an integral part of a complete farming system of soil, water, air, plant, animal, and human resources.  The New Mexico Integrated Cropping Systems and Water Management Handbook, http://www.nm.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/handbooks/iwm/nmiwm.html,  is intended to be user friendly for use by planners with producers.  NRCS provided training for planners, partners and producers on “how-to” evaluate and understand site-specific field conditions, including chemical, biological and physical. This enables us to evaluate and implement best management practices/approaches for cropland management within an integrated farming system. Considering how the farm fits into broader watershed management (e.g. off-site effects and resource opportunities) is also essential to problem-posing and problem-solving resource management success and development of sustainable communities. 

The Handbook provides guidance on understanding and improving soil quality, water quantity/quality, air quality, nutrient and salinity management, crop yield and quality, irrigation water management, integrated pest management. 

It also provides guidance on reducing overall on-farm energy use, inputs, production costs, pest incidences, pumping costs, as well as soil and water losses.  The end result targets becoming a more economical, sustainable farming enterprise, including resource efficient and resource conserving.

The key approach to achieving integrated sustainable management is to think system (ecosystem, whole farm, and watershed), think critically (connect the dots), actively seek resource opportunities, emphasize technology “exchange” vs. “transfer” with other producers and partners, plan creatively and flexibly, and focus on keeping energy flow through the integrated system. A reemphasis on biological factors is also necessary since recent agriculture has essentially forgotten biological, but rather focused on chemical and physical factors.  Improving soil quality is key to improving soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources. Case studies, field trials, demonstrations are all important approaches for technology exchange.  Interdisciplinary teams including producers and partners are essential in developing integrated sustainable farming systems.

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint.

Integrated Cropping Systems and Water Management Handbook (AGRO-76)

The Handbook sections below are provided in their original format so that planners and students can make additional print copies and customize the handbook to their individual situation as needed. Adobe PDF file formats as well as html formats are also available for most document.

  Rio Grande community Farm - Organic Farm Brochure (PDF; 672 KB)
  Building Soil Organic Matter (PDF; 465 KB)
  Soil Fertility Dynamics (PDF; 960 KB)
  Healthy Soil Recycles Nutrients and Builds Soil Organic Matter (PDF; 769 KB)
  Restoring the Bio-Geo-Chemical Nutrient Cycle (PDF; 441 KB)
  Soil Macroaggregates (formed by a Healthy Soil) (PDF; 1309 KB)
  Components of Soil Microaggregates - A Storage Place for Carbon (PDF; 417 KB)
  Soil Microaggregate (PDF; 1,260 KB)
  Implement a Soil Health Mgt. System (SHMS) to meet your Resource Concerns (PDF; 325 KB)
  Soil Health System Guide for Irrigated Cropland in New Mexico (PDF; 462 KB)
  Soil is the Heart of the System (PDF; 356 KB)
  Soil Heath:  Agroecosystem Approach to Build Healthy, Sustainable & Productive Soils (PDF; 478 KB)
  Water-Stable Soil Aggregates: The Foundation of a Healthy Soil (PDF; 580 KB)
  Active Soil Carbon: An Easily Oxidizable Soil Carbon Fraction (PDF; 454 KB)
  Soil Health Management System GUIDE for Irrigated Cropland (PDF; 269 KB)
  Wind Management - 2012 Organic Conference (PDF; 5,333 KB)
  Purpose of Integrated Cropping Systems and Water Management Handbook (PDF; 18 KB)
  Introduction:  1a - Sustainable Agriculture is based on Building and Managing Soil Health (PDF; 476 KB)
  Introduction:  1b - Managing Organic Matter & Nitrogen Inputs to Improve the Soil Resource (PDF; 719 KB)
  Introduction: 1c - Dynamic Soil Properties and Soil Health Management (PDF; 882 KB)
  Introduction: 1d - Nitrogen Cycle: Best Management Practices to improve N use efficiency (PDF; 714 KB)
  Introduction: 1e - Planning Crop Rotation and Cover Crops based on Climate and Available Irrigation Water (PDF: 225 KB)
  Introduction: 1f - Making the Transition to Minimum-Till and No-Till in Irrigated Agriculture (PDF; 98 KB)
  Introduction: 1g - Making the Transition to No Tillage (PDF; 55 KB)
  Introduction: 1h - Soil Food Web (PDF; 456 KB)
  Introduction: 1i - Dynamic Cropping System:  Practices needed to complete the Agro Ecological Puzzle (PDF; 550 KB)
  Introduction: 1j - Water - Stable Soil Aggregates - Home to a Healthy Soil Food Web (PDF; 548 KB)
  Introduction: 1k - Integrated Cropping System - Conservation Planning based on Soil Health Principles (PDF; 524 KB)
  Introduction: 1l - Crop Rotation Effects:  Optimize the Crop Synergy of your System (PDF; 593 KB)
  Introduction:  2a- Know Your Watershed (PDF; 462 KB)
  Introduction:  5a - Crop Rotations (PDF; 518 KB)
Introduction:  5b - Cover Crops (PDF; 473 KB)
  Introduction:  5c - Managing Cover Crops (PDF; 510 KB)
  Introduction:  5d - Cover Crop Cocktail Example (PDF; 351 KB)
  Introduction:  5e - Cover Crop Planning Considerations (PDF; 49 KB)
  Introduction:  7a - Soil Moisture Monitoring (PDF; 382 KB)
  Introduction:  7b - Soil Water Characteristics values used in IWM (PDF; 46 KB)
  Introduction:  8a - Irrigation Scheduling (PDF; 334 KB)
  Introduction:  9a - Integrated Nutrient Management (PDF; 362 KB)
  Introduction:  9b - Manure, Compost and Compost Tea (PDF; 409 KB)
  Introduction:  10a - Grazing Management (PDF; 425 KB)
  Introduction:  11a - No-Till and Tilled Soils (PDF; 533 KB)
  Introduction:  14a - IPM (Diversity Above and Below) (PDF; 621 KB)
  Introduction:  15a - Field Problems Identified (PDF; 402 KB)
  Introduction:  15b - Soil Aggregate Stability Poster (PDF; 123 KB)
  Introduction:  16a - Irrigation Water, Soil & Plant Tissue Analysis for Alfalfa (PDF; 450 KB)
  Introduction:  16b - Irrigation Water, Soil & Plant Tissue Analysis for Pecan (PDF; 476 KB)
  Introduction:  16c - Irrigation Water, Soil & Plant Tissue Analysis/Guide for Pecan (PDF; 59 KB)
  Introduction:  16d - Irrigation Water, Soil & Plant Tissue Analysis for Chile (PDF; 595 KB)
  Introduction:  16e - Irrigation Water, Soil & Plant Tissue Analysis/Guide for Chile (PDF; 59 KB)
  Introduction:  16f - Field Example of Irrigation Water Nutrients and Salts Content (PDF; 53 KB)
  Introduction:  16g - Field Examples of Soil Nutrients Analyzed for Select Crops (PDF; 54 KB)
  Introduction:  16h - Field Examples of Plant Nutrients Analyzed for Select Crops (PDF; 67 KB)

Introduction:  18a - NRCS NM Soil Health/Quality Trainings (PDF; 387 KB)


Introduction:  18b - Maintaining a Healthy Soil Food Web (PDF; 698 KB)

  Introduction:  18c - Soil Stability (PDF; 163 KB)

Introduction:  20a - Start with Basic Conservation Practices (PDF; 489 KB)

  Introduction:  21a - Surface Irrigation (PDF; 521 KB)

Introduction:  21b - Irrigation Systems (PDF; 528 KB)

Section 1:  Comprehensive Cropping System Guide
  1a - Integrated Cropping System Guide (PDF; 79 KB)
  1b - Soil Organic Matter and Organic Carbon Gains and Losses Guide (PDF; 525 KB)
  1c - Energy, Carbon, Nutrients and Water Cycle Guide (PDF; 435 KB)
  1d - Healthy Chile Fields at Deming, NM (PDF; 165)
  1e - Soil Aggregated Stability Demo (PDF; 135)
  1f - Soil Food Web (PDF; 2357 KB)
  1g - Simplified Soil Food Web (PDF; 244 KB)
  1h - Soil Quality Considerations (PDF; 142 KB)
  1i - Soil Dynamics (PDF; 214 KB)
  1j - Living Soil (PDF; 260 KB)
Section 2:  Producer Resources Inventory
  2a - IWM Resource Inventory (PDF; 22 KB)
  2b - Crop Salt Tolerances (PDF; 43 KB)
  2c - Soils Data Interpretation Table for IWM Planning (PDF; 46 KB)
  2d - Soils Surface Area (PDF; 206 KB)
  2e - Types of Soil Structure and Drainage (PDF; 81 KB)
  2f - Soils Intake Guide (PDF; 27 KB)
  2g - QT=DA Calculations for Assessing IWM Requirements (PDF; 38 KB)
  2h - Irrigation Water Quality Sampling (PDF; 37 KB)
  2i - Solube Salts (PDF; 171 KB)
  2j - Irrigation Water Salinity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Assessment Guide (PDF; 41 KB)
  2k - Irrigation Water Quality Guidelines (PDF; 25 KB)
Section 3:  Precipitation
Section 4:  Mean High and Low Temperature
  4a - Crop Evapotranspiration (ETc) and Growing Degree Days Guide (PDF; 116 KB)
Section 5: Crop Rotations and Cover Crops
  5a - Conservation Crop Rotation (PDF; 360 KB)
  5b - Cover Crop (PDF; 368 KB)
  5c - Cover Crop Guide (PDF; 110 KB)
  5d - How to Collect and Interpret Plant Tissue Samples (PDF; 246 KB)
  5e - Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Example (PDF; 39 KB)
  5f - Pasture and Hay Planting (PDF; 121 KB)
  5g - Sampling for Plant Tissue Analysis (PDF; 152 KB)
Section 6: Crop Evapotranspiration - ETC
  6a - How to access New Mexico Crop Consumptie Use Requirements (PDF; 215 KB)
Section 7: Soil Moisture Monitoring
  7a - Soil Moisture Monitoring and Irrigation Record Keeping Form (PDF; 22 KB)
  7b - Estimated Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance (PDF; 125 KB)
  7c - Estimated Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance (PDF; 121 KB)
  7d - Average Water Extraction Pattern of Plants (PDF; 55 KB)
  7e - Soil Moisture Monitoring Example (PDF; 198 KB)
  7f - General Relationship Between Soil Water Characteristics and Texture (PDF; 33 KB)
  7g - Furrow Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 426 KB)
  7h - Tensiometer and Electrical Resistance Blocks (PDF; 49 KB)
  7i - Tensiometers (PDF; 63 KB)
  7j - Electrical Resistance Soil Water Meters (PDF; 43 KB)
  7k - Why Salinity Management is Important (PDF; 25 KB)
  7l - Soil Salinity Reactions (PDF; 597 KB)
  7m - Salinity Assessment Guide for Selected Crops (PDF; 50 KB)
  7n - Water Quality Infiltration Assessment Guide (PDF; 27 KB)
  7o - Water Penetration and Movement in Sandy and Clay Loam Soils (PDF; 42 KB)
  7p - Generalized Relationship Between Soil Water Retention and Crop Growth (PDF; 19 KB)
  7q - Benefits of IWM (PDF; 24 KB)
  7r - Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 84 KB)
  7s - Irrigation Water Analysis Guide - Example (PDF; 35 KB)
Section 8:  Irrigation Scheduling
  8a - Planning For Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 24 KB)
  8b - Gross Crop Irrigation Water Requirement Guide (PDF; 31 KB)
  8c - Surface Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 406 KB)
  8d - Irrigation Water Requirement Guide (PDF; 104 KB)
  8e - Graded Border Irrigation Application Efficiency Analysis - Example (PDF; 28 KB)
  8f - Field Irrigation Evaluation Example Guide - Form (PDF; 106 KB)
  8g - Measurement of Soluble Salts (PDF; 21 KB)
  8h - Table of Important Equations, Relationships and Concepts Used in IWM (PDF; 37 KB)
  8i - Runoff Class Based on Field Slope and Permeability Class (PDF; 24 KB)
  8j - Using IWM for Achieving Energy Conservation (PDF; 25 KB)
  8k - Surface Irrigation Water Management Evaluation (PDF; 585 KB)
  8l - Surface Irrigation Water Management Evaluation Form (DOC; 443 KB)
  8m - Irrigation land Leveling (PDF; 81 KB)
  8n - Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 1498 KB)
  8o - Graded Border Analysis - Hi Flow Turnout Example (PDF; 114 KB)
  8p - Soil Texture and Water Holding Capacity (PDF; 159 KB)
  8q - New Mexico Integrated Water Management Workshop - Field Tour (PDF; 1656 KB)
  8r - Guide to Determine the Approximate CFS or GPM of Available Irrigation Canal Water (PDF; 25 KB)
Section 9:  Nutrient Inputs
  9a - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Interpretation Guide - Example (PDF; 59 KB)
  9b - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Interpretation Guide - Blank Copy (PDF; 55 KB)
  9c - Nitrogen Cycle (PDF; 265 KB)
  9d - Nitrogen Fertilizers (PDF; 164 KB)
  9e - Nitrogen Fertilizer Guide (PDF; 35 KB)
  9f - Soil Fertility Interpretation Guide - Form (PDF; 111 KB)
  9g - Soil Fertility Interpretation (PDF; 365 KB)
  9h - IWM to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency (PDF; 114 KB)
  9i - Developing a Basic Nitrogen Budget (PDF; 45 KB)
  9j - Phosphorus Cycle (PDF; 442 KB)
  9k - Phosphorus Index (PDF; 338 KB)
  9l - Phosphorus Management - Using the P Index Rating (PDF; 107 KB)
  9m - Potassium Cycle (PDF; 178 KB)
  9n - Gypsum and Elemental Sulfur Soil Amendment Guide (PDF; 105 KB)
  9o - Effluent Irrigation Guide (PDF; 41 KB)
  9p - Manure Management (PDF; 487 KB)
  9q - Soil Analysis Guide - Example (PDF; 42 KB)
  9r - Fertilizer Jar Test (PDF; 36 KB)
  9s - Waste Utilization (PDF; 72 KB)
  9t - Nutrient Management (PDF; 83 KB)
  9u - A Key to Soil Nutrient Management (PDF; 18 KB)
  9v - Composting and The Hole Picture (PDF; 11,103 KB)
  9w - Composting Animal Carcass (PDF; 11,034 KB)
  9x - Compost or Manure and Soil Biota (PDF; 334 KB)
Section 10:  Surface Residue Management
  10a - Benefits of Conservation Tillage (PDF; 3134 KB)
  10b - Conservation Tillage and Crop Residue Management (PDF; 816 KB)
  10c - Mulching (PDF; 127 KB)
  10d - Composting Facility (PDF; 63 KB)
  10e - Managing Soil Organic Matter (PDF; 985 KB)
  10f - Surface Residue Management (PDF; 560 KB)
Section 11:  Tillage Operations
  11a - Soil Health - Quality Assessment (PDF; 460 KB)
  11b - Residue Management, No-Till, Strip Till (PDF; 174 KB)
  11c - Residue Management, Ridge-Till (PDF; 140 KB)
  11d - Water Erosion Management Considerations (PDF; 495 KB)
  11e - Water Erosion Management Considerations - Assessment Guide (PDF; 113 KB)
  11f - Wind Erosion Management Considerations (PDF; 557 KB)
  11g - Wind Erosion Management Considerations - Assessment Guide (PDF; 37 KB)
Section 12:  Soil Temperature Measurements
  12a - Soil Quality Temperature (PDF; 386 KB)
  12b - Soil Temperature (PDF; 49 KB)
Section 13:  Soil Nitrate Tests
  13a - Soil Nitrate Tests (PDF; 189 KB)
Section 14:  IPM - Insects, Disease, Weeds
  14a - Pest Management and IWM Planning (PDF; 70 KB)
  14b - Pest Management and IWM Planning (PDF; 5402 KB)
  14c - Pest Management (PDF; 109 KB)
Section 15:  Field Problems - Use Soil Quality Test Kit
  15a - Soil Quality Test Kit Guide (PDF; 230 KB)
  15b - Soil Quality Test Kit Guide - Interpretations (PDF; 143 KB)
  15c - Soil Quality Pyramid (PDF; 173 KB)
  15d - Soil Quality Test Kit (PDF; 1279 KB)
  15e - Soil Quality/ Soil Health - What are we missing? (PDF; 2,570 KB)
  15f - Sustainable Workshop Soils Field Notes (PDF; 867 KB)
  Advanced Soil Quality Test Kit
  15aa - Web Soil Survey Of Manuscript (PDF; 5167 KB)
  15aab - Soil - Water - Tissue Sampling (PDF; 4498 KB)
  15bb - Soil Respiration (PDF; 4475 KB)
  15cc - Soil Infiltration Ability to take in water (PDF; 4303 KB)
  15dd - Soil Compaction or Pore Space (PDF; 2891 KB)
  15ee - Salt Concentration (PDF; 9450 KB)
  15ee - EC and Salt Concentration (PDF; 9511 KB)
  15ff - Soil Acidity or Alkalinity (PDF; 2404 KB)
  15gg - Soil Nitrate (PDF; 2467 KB)
  15hh - Aggregate Stability and Slaking (PDF; 12492 KB)
  15ii - Earthworms (PDF; 3227 KB)
  15jj - Soil Physical Observations and Estimations (PDF; 14601 KB)
Section 16:  Standard Soil Test
  16a - How to Collect Soil Samples (PDF; 123 KB)
  16b - Soil Test Interpretations (PDF; 28 KB)
  16c - New Mexico State University (NMSU) Soil Test Interpretation Report (XLS; 519 KB)
  16d - Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms (PDF; 8576 KB)
  16e - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Alfalfa Example (PDF; 132 KB)
  16f - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Pecan Example (PDF; 128 KB)
  16g - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Blue Corn Example (PDF; 128 KB)
  16h - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Sorghum Example (PDF; 127 KB)
  16i - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Apples Example (PDF; 131 KB)
  16j - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Alfalfa Example (PDF; 135 KB)
  16k - Irrigation Water, Soil and Plant Tissue Analysis Guide - Pasture Example (PDF; 129 KB)
Section 17:  Active Carbon Test
  17a - Reactive Carbon Field Kit Overview Power Point (PDF; 10,550 KB)
  17b - Benefits of Soil Reactive Carbon (PDF; 460 KB)
  17c - Compost Manure and Soil Biota (PDF; 334 KB)
  17d - Reactive Carbon Field Test (PDF; 321 KB)
  17e - Humic Acid (PDF; 163 KB)
  17f - Glomain and Mycorrhizal Hyphae (PDF; 71 KB)
Section 18:  Soil Health Assessment - Soil Food Web
  18a - How Does Organic Matter Work (PDF; 519 KB)
  18b - Soil Quality - Introduction (PDF; 196 KB)
  18c - Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation (PDF; 224 KB)
  18d - Soil Quality Indicators - Available Water Capacity (PDF; 208 KB)
  18e - Soil Quality Indicators - Aggregate Stability (PDF; 384 KB)
  18f - Soil Quality Indicators - Bulk Density (PDF; 338 KB)
  18g - Soil Quality Indicators - Infiltration (PDF; 315 KB)
  18h - Soil Quality Indicators - Soil Structure and Pores (PDF; 488 KB)
  18i - Soil Quality Indicators - Soil Crusts (PDF; 249 KB)
  18j - Soil Quality Indicators - Slaking (PDF; 496 KB)
  18k - Soil Quality Indicators - pH (PDF; 63 KB)
  18l - Soil Quality Indicators - Salinization (PDF; 77 KB)
  18m - Soil Quality Indicators - Organic Matter (PDF; 33 KB)
  18n - Soil Quality Resource Concerns - Soil Biodiversity (PDF; 51 KB)
  18o - Rhizosphere Soil Biota Life in Soil (PDF; 558 KB)
  18p - Soil Structure Texture (PDF; 712 KB)
Section 19:  Other, Units, Definitions and Explanations of Sections
Section 20:  Guidance on Developing Case Studies and Examples
  20a - A Watershed Approach for Development of a Case Study (PDF; 178 KB)
  20b - Farm Record Form - Case Study (PDF; 38 KB)
  20c - Purpose of Integrated Cropping System Guide (PDF; 31 KB)
  20d - Cropland Inventory worksheets for Sustainable Systems (PDF; 173 KB)
  20f - Sustainable Farming Systems Planning, Evaluation, and Outreach (PDF; 4399 KB)
  20g - Case Study RGCF (PDF; 506 KB)
  20g - Renewable Energy Solar Primer (PDF; 4810 KB)
  22h - Renewable Energy Wind Primer (PDF; 2528 KB)
Section 21:  Irrigation Systems
  21a - Irrigation System Planning and Design Considerations (PDF; 18 KB)
  21b - Choosing and Irrigation System (PDF; 991 KB)
  21c - Subsurface Drip Irrigation and IWM (PDF; 1265 KB)
  21d - Acequia Community Ditch Design Irrigation System (PDF; 98 KB)
  21e - Achieving Irrigation Water Management with Pivot Sprinkler System (PDF; 737 KB)
  21f - Achieving IWM with Irrigation Water Conveyance - Pipeline (PDF; 2361 KB)
  21g - Water Measuring Methods (PDF; 529 KB)
  21h - Energy Use in Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 16 KB)
  21i - Economics and Irrigation Water Management (PDF; 41 KB)
  21j - Additional Engineering and Irrigation Resources (PDF; 16 KB)
  21k - Comparing Irrigation Systems (PDF; 26 KB)
  21l - Using Irrigation Water Efficiently (PDF; 17 KB)
  21m - Canal and Ditch Turnout Capacity (PDF; 13 KB)
  21m - High Flow Turnouts (PDF; 76 KB)
  21n - Concrete Lined Ditch (PDF; 1493 KB)
  21o - General Components of Subsurface Drip Irrigation (PDF; 7435 KB)
  21p - Subsurface Drip Irrigation (PDF; 9759 KB)
  21q - Chlorination Procedure (PDF; 42 KB)
  21r - Chlorination Table 1300 gpm (XLS; 119 KB)
  21s - Chlorination Tables 3000 gpm (XLS; 106 KB)
  21t - Chlorination Formula (PDF; 11 KB)
  21u - Subsurface Drip Irrigation Fact Sheet (PDF; 367 KB)
Section 22:  Energy, Air Quality, Other
  22a - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Strategic Plan and Student Class Presentation Format (PDF; 29 KB)
  22b - Purpose of Sustainable Agriculture Producer Workshops (PDF; 200 KB)
  22c - Building Sustainable Communities (PDF; 6754 KB)
  22d - Integrated Farming Systems for Sustainable Production (PDF; 4397 KB)

Other NRCS WM NRCS Technical Information:
          New Mexico NRCS Agronomy Technical Notes

          New Mexico Irrigation Guide

          New Mexico NRCS Conservation Practices

IWM Fact Sheets:

          New Mexico State University Water Publication Listing

          New Mexico State University Drip Irrigation Page

          Colorado State University Crops Online Fact Sheets

Last Modified: 01/25/2013