United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NSSC Soil Survey Laboratory Soil Characterization Database
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Ten Easy Steps to Download Data

Step #1: Click on the 'Characterization Data' link on the menu located on the top of the page. This link loads the NSSC SSL Characterization Data Query Interface  that can be used to search the available data using one or more of over fifty search criteria.

Select 'Characterization Data' from menu to load the query interface.

Step #2: Once the page is fully loaded, the user can both include or exclude criteria from a search using the check boxes located next to each item. If a box is checked, the item will be included in the query.

Note: Upon first entering or selecting data for an item, the check box will automatically be turned on.

Use the interface to select the desired search criteria.

Step #3: Select or enter the search criteria for the categories desired.

Notes concerning search criteria entry:

* For the SSL Project Information section, the selection of a different Country will reload the page with a revised list located in the State Admin Div containing only state administrative divisions from the selected country. In the Site Information section, the selection of a different Country will reload the page with a revised list of State Admin Div, County, and Soil Survey Area items. The selection of a County within the same section will reload the page as well. All data entered will be retained when the page is reloaded.

** For all date criteria, at least one year must be provided. If only one year is provided on the left side of the date range, the search will return all data with date values greater then January 1st of the year provided. If the year provided is on the right side, the search will return all data matching the criteria with dates less then December 31st of the year provided. Also, if a month is provided without an exact day, the search engine will assume either the first day of the month for the left side of the range or the last day of the month for the right side.

*** All text entry fields are automatically considered to be wildcard searches. For example: If searching for a project with the Submitted Name "Urban Soils Study Part 2", the entry of "Urban Soils" would result in a positive match. However, the search will also return "Urban Soils Study Part 1". All text fields are case insensitive.

Step #4: Once all the desired criteria are entered, click the Execute Query button located at the bottom of the page to retrieve a list of pedons from the database.

Click the 'Execute Query' button.

Step #5: If the query does not return any pedons, or does not result in the desired list of pedons, use the <<Back button located at the top of the page to return to the query interface and modifiy the criteria selected. All the previously selected criteria will be retained by the interface.

Use the 'Check All' button or check each desired pedon individually.

Step #6: Use the Check All or Uncheck All button located at the top of page to select or unselected the entire list of pedons returned from the search. Pedons can be included or excluded individually by clicking on or off the check boxes located next to the pedon identifiers.

Select the 'Download Data' option before clicking continue.

Step #7: When the selection of pedons to be included is complete, select Download Data from the list located at the bottom of the page and click Continue >>

Step #8: Select the desired download options:

Select the desired data tiers for download.

Step #9: Click on the Download button. If this is the first time you have downloaded data please read the Required Reading - User Responsibility information when it appears. This form will appear every time data is downloaded. To avoid interruption while requesting multiple downloads, simply minimize the form.

Use the file dialog box to save the file to the local computer.

Step #10: Please be patient. Once the server has gathered the requested data, a prompt will appear. Click Save and place the downloadfile.zip file in the desired location on local computer.

The .zip file extension indicates that the file is an archive file that has been put into "zipped" format.  Zip is most commonly used to package files together for transfer over the internet. One zip file usually corresponds to many individual files. Files can be extracted from the archive using the WinZip utility or other extraction program.

If you have WinZip® loaded on your computer:

Once you have downloaded the compressed file double click on it. This will launch the WinZip® program. Select "Yes" to decompress fname.zip (where fname is your actual file name) to a temporary file and open it. Next click extract on the WinZip® toolbar. Make a note of the location that you are extracting to and click "Extract." WinZip® will now extract your files into the selected directory.

The .zip file can be open using any zip utility.

Download Characterization Datanavigation link pointer