Public-Private Partnerships

Recognizing that partnerships are needed to sustain programs for the long-term, Congress authorized PEPFAR to promote public-private partnerships (PPP) as a priority element of U.S. strategy to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other global health crises. PEPFAR has fostered public-private partnerships that support and complement its prevention, care, and treatment work.

PEPFAR defines PPPs as collaborative endeavors that combine resources from the public sector with resources from the private sector to accomplish HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment goals. PPPs enable the U.S. Government and private-sector entities to maximize their efforts through jointly defined objectives, program design and implementation, and through the sharing of resources, risks and results. Three hallmarks of PPPs are that they help ensure sustainability of programs, facilitate scale-up of interventions, and leverage significant private-sector resources. For a project to be considered a PPP, the private sector must contribute at least as many resources - cash and in-kind - as PEPFAR contributes in funding. Private sector partners include a wide range of organizations such as: foundations, U.S. and non-U.S. private businesses, business and trade associations, unions, venture capitalists, and social entrepreneurs.

Public-private partnerships are a tool to enhance the global response to HIV/AIDS, and will support the transition to more sustainable country programs. The PEPFAR PPP Strategy can be found at the following link:

The following examples illustrate the diversity of PEPFAR's public-private partnerships in support of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs:

Search Public-Private Partnership Models




The following stories highlight the successes of PEPFAR Public-Private Partnerships: U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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