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August 14, 2012


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to help drivers get “Back to Basics”


Definitely something I would have introduced to one of my friends in High School. He got into three accidents the first year he had his license...I hope he's become a better driver by now!

This sounds like a really great idea to me. Back to basics will ensure that people are being safe.

I'm a truck driver, my father was and my grandfather was. The trucking profession has went down hill over the past twenty or so years. Even with the shortage of jobs,, There are no shortage of truck driving jobs. They just don't pay enough. An alarming trend I see is driving jobs that traditionally paid by the hour are now paying by the load. Drivers pulling loads of gasoline and other dangerous materials are rushing so they can get more loads in when truly they should be taking their time and driving carefully. For most companies it is cheaper for them to work 1 driver up to and above the legal limits then hire 2. My thought on the whole thing is they should all pay by the hour so the overtime factor would encourage them to employ more drivers and work them less hours. Over the road and local alike, hours of service would be less if employers had to pay by the hour.

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