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August 01, 2012


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for unwavering commitment to transportation innovation


The federal government needs to pay more attention and invest in what is known and called "Public Personal Rapid Transit", instead of conventional transit passenger buses. Overhead suspended personal cars with hook slots or hook bars designed into them in collaboration with the auto industry, and functioning similar to a snow ski lift, is the solution to massive rubber particles and particulants floating in the air by the tons, in addition to traffic gridlock, Hybrid electric cars and other similar transportation vehicles (buses) will not solve those two problems of gridlock and particulant matter air pollution. If there is anyone there in the United States federal government that actually cares - please contact me for a white paper proposing a test project of the above scenario in Fresno, Calif. to coincide and collaborate with the existing high-speed rail project.
David Wells
David_Wells_59 at Yahoo dot com
Phone 559-433- six five four seven

I'm thrilled that the White House has recognized transportation and public engagement. So many people feel left out of decision making; it's good to sense a change in the air.

I am also trying to change the way we think about transportation and create jobs in the process.

Why is anyone trying to figure out how to make a truck and a car drive themselves after they are designed and built to be driven? I suppose the reason is that we already have the vehicles and the roads; but, has anyone considered developing and implementing a fully automated/autonomous freight delivery and personal transportation system using vehicles no one has to drive from the start? I did and submitted a U.S. Patent Application for it. You can go to my blog to read more about it: http://theitsinitiativemainflaw.blogspot.com/

Considering that the proposed transportation system should have a significant influence in our daily lives and will allow for innovative changes in the architecture and design of our cities it is reasonably to expect that once implemented it could transform our way of life and the urban landscape in the XXI Century as the automobile did in the XX Century and create many jobs in the process.

If President Roosevelt had the "New Treaty" and the Hoover Dam built in a period of crisis and President Truman had the Interstate Highway System started then President Obama could have the implementation of my transportation system proposal as the emblematic project of his administration.


I am also trying to change the way we think about transportation and create jobs in the process.

Why is anyone trying to figure out how to make a truck and a car drive themselves after they are designed and built to be driven? I suppose the reason is that we already have the vehicles and the roads; but, has anyone considered developing and implementing a fully automated/autonomous freight delivery and personal transportation system using vehicles no one has to drive from the start? I did and submitted a U.S. Patent Application for it. You can go to my blog to read more about it: http://theitsinitiativemainflaw.blogspot.com/

Considering that the proposed transportation system should have a significant influence in our daily lives and will allow for innovative changes in the architecture and design of our cities it is reasonably to expect that once implemented it could transform our way of life and the urban landscape in the XXI Century as the automobile did in the XX Century.

If President Eisenhower had the Interstate Highway System started then President Obama could have the implementation of my transportation system proposal as the emblematic transportation project of his administration and create many jobs in the process.

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