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August 13, 2009


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Perhaps a prerequisite for accessing federal highway funding for proposed highway expansions in urbanized areas, and especially non-attainment areas, should be that congestion-based variable pricing be implemented on *all* lanes of the improved facility, and further that such improvements to the facility include an appropriate parallel (or intergal) transit component so as to offer automobile owners a high-quality alternative to driving.

North Carolina needs better transportation NOT more roads. This road will further encourage the auto-dependent sprawl in western and southern Wake County and beyond. At a minimum, what North Carolina really needs is 1) some political leadership in urban and regional planning; 2)billions invested in trains, transit-oriented development and other transportation modes; 3) high density infill development in urban and suburban areas. Sorry, but this development is certainly nothing to celebrate. The same economic development and bleeding edge technology could be coming in the form of transit development, TOD, and other projects that would contribute to the region's sustainability.

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