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February 29, 2012


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that's great news. Traveling by train is the most convenient way to reach your destinations also it is very good for our road traffic as less number of vehicles will be required for commuting. I hope this high speed trains will be able to live up to our expectations

I have long been an advocate for a high speed rail in America! It would benefit everybody- the American workers hired, the passengers who would save time and potentially money riding it, the government who would be making tax money off tickets, overall I think the economy would receive a huge boost!! I don't know why it is taking so long. The only negative I can think of it the land we will have to impede upon, but I think with all of our eco-friendly measures, if done correctly we can create the rail lines without being too harsh on our environment.


This is a great initiative and I think it will really boost economics and business opportunities, at the same time it will provide convenience for passengers and alleviation on heavy traffic roads and highways. I don't know whether the high-speed trains will use environmental friendly fuel, but they will surely have such an indirect impact, by significantly lowering the number of vehicles on the road. This is one more reason that investments should not be spared. Of course this is in my own opinion.

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