Emergency Managers, Responders,
Service & Care Providers
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Emergency Managers, Responders, Service & Care Providers

Whether an emergency is caused by natural forces or by a terrorist attack, persons with a disability will probably require assistance. Some physical disabilities may be obvious while others, such as mental illness or cognitive disabilities, may not be obvious. Every person and every disability is unique. Respecting people with disability and treating them with dignity must be part of the response.

Emergency planners and first responders must consider the unique needs of seniors, people with service animals, people with mobility impairments, people who are mentally ill, people who are blind or visually impaired, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and people with cognitive disabilities. Identifying these people, whether in the community or in the workplace, is a first step. Including them in emergency planning activities and emergency drills are ways to incorporate their needs into emergency plans. Proactive efforts can identify the resources that may be needed to respond to an emergency. Develop a network to include disability and advocacy groups in your community or workplace to identify the needs of people with disabilities and the resources necessary to meet their needs in an emergency.

The following web sites have more information for Emergency Managers and First Responders:

Please note: The Web sites listed below are not federal government websites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal websites.