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U.S. Citizen Services

Absentee Voting Notices

Completing and Returning Absentee Ballots

Absentee ballots already delivered to overseas voters. Every U.S. citizen who requested an absentee ballot and selected the fax or email delivery option should have it by now. Please vote and take steps to return your voted ballot promptly so your vote will count. See instructions below.

Returning your ballot by mail. Place your voted ballot in a U.S. postage-paid envelope containing the address of your local election officials. Drop it off at the Embassy and we’ll send it back home for you without the need to pay international postage. If you can’t visit the Embassy in person, ask a friend or colleague drop it off for you. If it’s easier for you to use Kolonia's postal system, be sure to affix sufficient international postage, and allow sufficient time for international mail delivery. If time is tight, you may want to use a private courier service (e.g., FedEx, UPS, or DHL) to meet your state's ballot receipt deadline.

Returning your ballot by email, fax, or upload. Some states allow these options, but may also require you to still mail in the signed paper ballot. Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's website.

Haven’t received your ballot yet? Use the emergency write-in ballot. U.S. citizens who requested an absentee ballot but haven’t received it should go to the FVAP website to complete a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot. Follow the above guidance for returning your ballot. If you later receive your regular absentee ballot, vote and return it immediately. Local election officials will count just one ballot per voter, and will use the regular ballot if received by your state’s ballot receipt deadline.

Forgot to register or request an absentee ballot? Act immediately! There are three options.

Option #1: Register and request a ballot today using the federal post card application at the FVAP website. Select the electronic ballot delivery option, include your email address (and fax number) and send it to local election officials in your state. Almost every state lets you submit it by email or fax. Once your application is processed they will send you your ballot via fax or email depending on your state. Vote as soon as you receive the blank ballot. Registration deadlines vary and some are as early as October 7, so check your state’s requirements carefully.

Option#2: Follow the instructions in Option #1, but also complete and send in a Federal Write-in Ballot at the same time to make sure your vote is counted. This option may be the best one for first-time voters if your state requires you to submit your Federal Post Card Application by mail. Vote and submit your regular absentee ballot if/when it arrives. Local election officials will count just one ballot per voter, and will use the regular ballot if it's received by the ballot receipt deadline.

Option #3: Voters from the following states can use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot as a combined voter registration form, absentee ballot request, and absentee ballot: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington. (NOTE: This form must reach your local election officials by your state's absentee ballot request deadline or voter registration deadline, whichever is first.)

Returning your Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot by mail. Follow the guidance above for returning your ballot by mail.

Returning your Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot by email or fax. The following states allow voters to email or fax their signed, voted Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots back to local election officials: Arizona, California (fax only), Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia. (NOTE: see instructions for faxing or emailing your voted ballot.)

Need help? You can get in-person assistance from our Embassy Voting Assistance Officers.

Have Questions? Please contact Kolonia’s Voting Assistance Officer at 320 2187, or at

Confirm your registration and ballot delivery online. Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP) website.

New U.S. Law Makes Voting Easier for Americans Abroad

For overseas voters, the absentee voting process this year will be much easier, thanks in large part to a new law - the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act - that the U.S. Congress enacted last year.

To vote absentee, U.S. citizens living overseas must be registered to vote, and must request an absentee ballot. You can accomplish both tasks by completing a Federally-issued combination voter registration application and absentee ballot request form known as the Federal Post Card Application, or FPCA. This form, along with State-by-State instructions, is available on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website or from the U.S. Embassy in Kolonia.

The new law gives U.S. citizens overseas the ability to request and receive absentee ballots electronically. Just send in a new FPCA form with your email address (or the email address of a nearby family member or friend) and/or complete fax number and indicate how you want the blank ballot delivered.

Be sure to follow your State’s instructions carefully when completing the form and sending it to local election officials in the United States. Both the FVAP website and the Overseas Vote Foundation website have wizards that assist you in completing and addressing the FPCA. You can also write to the Embassy at, or call 320-2187 for a copy of the 2010-11 Voting Assistance Guide.

If you do not receive your absentee ballot after sending in your FPCA within a reasonable time period, notify your local election officials by phone or email. You can also use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) as a back-up emergency ballot. Check the FVAP website.

2012 Election Cycle – Begins Now

Be an active voter. Start thinking about your participation in the U.S. 2012 elections today!

The Consular Section staff at Embassy Kolonia is ready to assist with completing your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) -- the form you need to complete this year to participate in the 2012 elections as an overseas absentee voter. Our purpose is to inform and educate you about your voting rights, to ensure you are able to exercise your right to participate in elections for federal offices (President, Vice President, Senator, and Representative), and to assist you with voting in state or local elections, if allowed by your state.

New absentee voting laws are in effect for the 2012 elections. You will no longer automatically receive ballots based on a previous absentee ballot request. All U.S. citizens outside the United States who want to vote by absentee ballot in the 2012 primary and general elections must complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) every year if they wish to vote from abroad. States are now required to send out ballots 45 days before an election. No matter what state you vote in, you can now ask your local election officials to provide your blank ballots to you electronically (by email, internet download, or fax, depending on your state). You can now also confirm your registration and ballot delivery on-line. Be sure to include your email address on the form to take advantage of the electronic ballot delivery option. This is the fastest and most reliable way to receive your ballot on time, and we strongly recommend every overseas voter take advantage of it. Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's (FVAP).

Beginning in January 2012, presidential primaries will be held in the states of New Hampshire (January 10), South Carolina (January 21), Florida (January 31), Missouri (February 7), Wisconsin (February 21), Arizona (February 28), and Michigan (February 28). Other states will follow throughout the spring and summer. Voter registration deadlines for primaries are as early as January 3, 2012. Note: Participation in party presidential caucuses by overseas voters is not protected by federal law and requires in-person attendance in most cases. If the party you are affiliated with selects presidential nominees by caucus in your state contact state party officials for further information.

You can obtain a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) at FVAP’s website. The FPCA is accepted by all local election officials in all U.S. states and territories. It allows you to register to vote and request absentee ballots for all elections for federal offices (presidential and state primaries, run-off, special, and the November general elections) during the course of the year. An online wizard will help you complete the form. Depending on your state’s voting requirements, you then either send in the FPCA electronically or mail it to your local election officials. To mail it, print out the completed FPCA and the (U.S.) postage-paid envelope containing the address of your local election officials. If you bring in your forms or ballots to us we will mail them back home for you without you having to pay for international mail. You can also use the post office in the Federated States of Micronesia, but please be aware that you will have to purchase FSM postage.

Voters can drop off their ballots at any time between Monday and Friday, 8am to 5pm at the Consular Section at U.S. Embassy Kolonia, located in Pohnpei.

Even if your state does not have a presidential primary in the early months of 2012, it is important that you submit a new Federal Post Card Application this and every January to receive all absentee ballots for which you are eligible. By applying early, you also allow enough time for election officials to contact you and resolve any questions or problems with your registration/ballot request.

Remember that your vote counts, and that many U.S. elections within the past ten years have been decided by a margin of victory of less than 0.1%. All states are required to count every absentee ballot as long as it's valid and reaches local election officials by the absentee ballot receipt deadline.

Be an Educated Voter. Check out the FVAP links page for helpful resources that will aid your research of candidates and issues. Non-partisan information about candidates, their voting records, and their positions on issues are widely available and easy to obtain via numerous websites such as Project Smart Voter. You can also read national and hometown newspapers on-line, or search the Internet to locate articles and information. For information about election dates and deadlines, subscribe to FVAP's Voting Alerts ( FVAP also shares Voting Alerts via Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions about registering to vote overseas, please contact the Consular Section at U.S. Embassy Kolonia at 320-2187, or by email at

Texas Voters – CORRECTION – Release #34 January February March 2012 Primaries

Texas voters, please note the following correction for the validity of the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA):

The registration/ballot request form (FPCA) for Texas is valid only in the year it is submitted. To ensure your request is valid for all elections in 2012 submit a registration/ballot request form (FPCA) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after December 31st.

Register to Vote and Request Your Ballot

Submit your registration/ballot request form (FPCA) timed according to your State's election date requirements as listed below for the January, February and March 2012 Presidential Preference Primaries (P), and State Primaries (S):

The Following States allow you to submit a registration/ballot request form (FPCA) now for the 2012 Primary. NOTE: to ensure your request is valid for other 2012 elections, including the November General Presidential election, you must submit ANOTHER FPCA after December 31st!

  • New Hampshire (P): January 10
  • South Carolina (P): January 21

The following States allow you to submit a registration/ballot request form (FPCA) now, which will be valid through the 2012 November Presidential election.

  • Florida (P): January 31
  • Missouri (Republican P): February 7 - NOTE: No delegates to the Republican National Convention will be selected based on the outcome of this primary.
  • Arizona (P): February 28
  • Georgia (P): March 6
  • Ohio (S): March 6
  • Oklahoma (P): March 6
  • Tennessee (P): March 6
  • Texas (P,S): March 6
  • Virginia (P): March 6
  • Alabama (P,S): March 13
  • Mississippi (P,S): March 13
  • Louisiana (P,S): March 24

For the following States, the registration/ballot request form (FPCA) is valid only in the year it is submitted. To ensure your request is valid for all elections in 2012 submit a registration/ballot request form (FPCA) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after December 31st.

  • Michigan (P): February 28
  • Massachusetts (P): March 6
  • Vermont (P): March 6
  • Illinois (P,S): March 20

Go to and get started! It only takes a few minutes!

All members of the U.S. Uniformed Services, their family members and citizens residing outside the U.S. who are residents from these States should submit an FPCA for these elections by going to the web portal or by following the instructions in the Voting Assistance Guide, also available at

Be sure you include an email address, phone number, and/or fax number on your absentee ballot application in case your local election official needs to contact you. Remember, many States allow you to submit your form electronically, and deliver your ballot electronically or provide online ballot access. Go to or your State's election website to see how you can return your form.

To find out the status of your registration/absentee ballot request, contact your local election office, or visit your State website.

Vote the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) The FWAB is a backup ballot. If 30 days before the election (or longer based on your geographic location) you think you will not receive your State ballot in time to vote and return it, (especially in January Primary States) vote the FWAB at The FWAB is also available in embassies and consulates and military installations around the world. You may submit the FWAB any time after submitting an FPCA.

Additional information: Check your State's election website for specific information on candidates, elections, contact information and links to your local election offices. Find your State's website via FVAP's web portal.

New Voter Back-Up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot Now Available

December 13, 2011 — Arlington, Va. – The online version of the revised Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is available now at If voters have registered but not received their State ballot 30 days before the election, they can still vote by using the FWAB. Since the FWAB serves as a back-up ballot, a voter should still vote and return their State absentee ballot if they receive it before the election. The State absentee ballot will be counted instead of the FWAB if received by the State deadline.

Voters can visit to use the online wizard or access the PDF fillable forms. The online wizard will populate the candidate names for federal elections 30 days prior to the date of the election.

The FWAB is a standard form accepted by all 55 States and territories for uniformed service members and overseas voters. The 2011 revised FWAB is wholly compliant with provisions of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, as amended by the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act in 2009, containing space for the required information but structured in a more logical and usable flow. FVAP conducted a series of usability assessments with the previous form resulting in substantial improvements using many established best practices for election-related forms.

The previous 2005 version of the form can be used by voters; however, be sure to use the current State information from to ensure your local election official receives all the information required to send the back-up ballot to you. Voting Assistance Officers should send voters to whenever possible and go through proper channels to obtain hardcopy forms. Overseas citizens groups should also stress using the online wizards to simplify form completion, but can contact FVAP directly to acquire hardcopy forms.

1st Congressional District Oregon Voters, Access Your Ballot Online for the January 31st Special Election

There are new options this year to make your voting experience easier. You can now go online to access and mark your ballot for the January 31st Special Election in the 1st Congressional District.

Please return your ballot, signed secret ballot waiver, AND signed identification envelope no later than 8:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Election Day, January 31, 2012. Ballots may be returned in one of three ways:

  1. By e-mail (new option),
  2. By fax,
  3. By mail.

If you are returning your ballot by email:
Important: you may not return your ballot by email until after January 1, 2012.

Prepare documents that include (1) a signed secret ballot waiver (2) your signed identification envelope and (3) the ballot. Scan these documents and attach them all to an email addressed to, with the subject line "UOCAVA ballot return". Your emailed ballot packet must be received in the Elections Office no later than 8:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on January 31, 2012.

If you are returning your ballot by fax:

Prepare documents that include (1) a signed secret ballot waiver (2) your signed identification envelope and (3) the ballot. Your faxed ballot packet must be received in the Elections Office (fax # 503-846-5833) no later than 8:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on January 31, 2012.

If you are returning your ballot by mail:

Prepare documents that include (1) a signed secret ballot waiver (2) your signed identification envelope and (3) the ballot. Enclose these three documents into an envelope addressed to:

3700 SW Murray Blvd. Suite 101
Beaverton, OR 97005

Sign and seal the envelope. Attach postage and a return address, and mail the ballot packet.

You can track the status of your ballot at under the MyVote button to make sure that your ballot has been received. You can also update your address there at anytime so that your election official will have your correct address for future elections.

Register and Request Your Ballot for Upcoming Primaries

Federal Voting Assistance Program sent this bulletin at 03/02/2012 10:07 AM EST

Voter Alert: #7
Telephone: 703-588-1584
March 2, 2012

Voters from these States should visit the web portal to register and request their absentee ballot for the April, May, and June 2012 Presidential Preference Primary (P) and State Primary (S) elections listed below: 

April Primaries (30-Day Notice):
NOTE for April Primaries: If you have not received your requested State ballot, submit the back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot at (see FWAB information below).  

  • District of Columbia (P,S): April 3
  • Maryland (P,S): April 3
  • Wisconsin (P): April 3
  • Alabama (Primary Runoff): April 24
  • Connecticut (P): April 24
  • Delaware (P): April 24
  • New York (P): April 24
  • Pennsylvania (P,S): April 24
  • Rhode Island (P): April 24

May Primaries: (60-Day Notice)

  • Indiana (P,S): May 8
  • North Carolina (P,S): May 8
  • West Virginia (P,S): May 8
  • Idaho (P,S): May 15
  • Nebraska (P,S): May 15
  • Oregon (P,S): May 15
  • Arkansas (P,S): May 22
  • Kentucky (P,S): May 22
  • Texas (P,S): May 29 (This is a change; the election was originally scheduled for March 6, then April 3)

June Primaries: (90-Day Notice)

  • California(P, S): June 5
  • Iowa (S): June 5
  • Montana (P, S): June 5
  • New Jersey (P, S): June 5
  • New Mexico (P, S): June 5
  • South Dakota (P, S): June 5
  • Arkansas (Primary Runoff): June 12
  • Maine (S): June 12
  • Nevada (S): June 12

It may not be too late to participate in the March primaries. View the Primary Election Calendar at for more information. 

Go to and get started! It only takes a few minutes!
All members of the U.S. Uniformed Services, their family members, and citizens residing outside the U.S. who are residents from these States should submit an FPCA for these elections by going to the web portal or by following the instructions in the Voting Assistance Guide, also available at

Be sure you include an email address, phone number, and/or fax number on your absentee ballot application in case your local election official needs to contact you. Remember, many States allow you to submit your form electronically, and deliver your ballot electronically or provide online ballot access. Go to or your State’s election website to see how you can return your form.

To find out the status of your registration/absentee ballot request, contact your local election office, or visit your State website.

Vote the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)
The FWAB is a backup ballot. If 30 days before the election (or longer based on your geographic location) you think you will not receive your State ballot in time to vote and return it (especially in March Primary States), vote the FWAB at The FWAB is also available in embassies and consulates and military installations around the world.

Additional information
Check your State's election website for specific information on candidates, elections, contact information, and links to your local election offices. Find your State's website at FVAP's web portal.


If you'd like more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program or need help with the absentee voting process please go to the web portal or call FVAP at 703-588-1584 (toll free 1-800-438-VOTE or DSN 425-1584). Email and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at and follow @FVAP on Twitter for election updates throughout 2012.