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Message from the Ambassador

Ambassador Michael McFaul (Photo by State Dept).

Ambassador Michael McFaul.

As part of the reset in US-Russia relations, the US Embassy in Moscow is committed to expanding economic ties between the United States and Russia. We look to the private sector to take the initiative, though the embassy can serve as an important resource for both US and Russian businesses. Make sure to read the most recent Country Commercial Guide for Russia to learn about opportunities in the Russian market. And we invite Russian companies to visit SelectUSA to find resources on investing in the United States. Business travelers to the United States, can apply here for information on obtaining a visa. 

We have made major progress recently in our trade and investment relationship. U.S. exports to Russia last year were $8.3 billion, the highest since 2008, with a bilateral trade hitting $42.9 billion. Russia was formally invited to join the WTO on December 16, 2011, and accession should be finalized by August 2012. This will liberalize trade with the rest of the world and create opportunities for U.S. exports and investments. For industrial and consumer goods, Russia’s average bound tariff rate will decline from almost 10% to under 8%.

I invite you to use the resources on this website, as investors and entrepreneurs such as yourself can help in further deepening US-Russia ties, laying the foundation for future prosperity, which will in turn facilitate greater cooperation in all spheres of the US-Russia relationship.

Contact Us

  • Consulate:  Phone: +7 (423) 230 00 70
    Consulate:  Fax: +7 (423) 249 93 71, 249 93 72

    Political/Economic Officer
    Elizabeth MacDonald