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About the Medical Review Board (MRB)

Version 2.1.27 Published 2/27/2012


Click on the questions below to read the answer.

  1. What is the MRB?
  2. Why was the MRB established?
  3. What is the role of the MRB?
  4. Why have an MRB?
  5. How are Board members selected and what terms do they serve?
  6. Is there monetary compensation for serving on the MRB?
  7. How does one apply to serve on the MRB or the Medical Expert Panels?
  8. What bylaws has the MRB adopted?

  1. What is the MRB?

    The MRB is composed of five non-Federal Government employee members, each of whom has been appointed by the Secretary of Transportation upon the recommendation of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Administrator. FMCSA's MRB consists of medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy who have expertise in a medical specialty, an understanding of research methods, knowledge of transportation medical issues, experience on panels that develop medical standards, a record of scientific collaboration and professional service, and experience developing teaching programs.
  2. Why was the MRB established?

    The MRB was established to improve highway safety by providing expert advice on medical standards, guidelines, and research on the medical certification of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.

    Federal Register Notice »
  3. What is the role of the MRB?

    The MRB promotes CMV safety by providing science-based medical expertise on the medical qualification of CMV drivers, reviewing and revising medical standards, and interpreting medical research.

    These activities address the appropriateness and viability of the medical standards in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, the framework that relates driver health to safe CMV operation. The MRB will assess and provide recommendations to FMCSA about regulations that may need to be changed or updated.

    FMCSA's MRB provides information, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation and the FMCSA Administrator on the development and implementation of science-based physical qualification standards applicable to interstate CMV drivers. The MRB does not hold regulatory development responsibilities, manage programs, or make decisions affecting such programs. The MRB provides a forum for the development, consideration, and communication of information from a knowledgeable, scientific perspective.

    MRB Charter »
  4. Why have an MRB?

    The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users calls for creation of an MRB with the goal of providing scientific advice on medical issues to the Secretary of Transportation and the FMCSA Administrator, including advice regarding the physical qualification requirements for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
  5. How are Board members selected and what terms do they serve?

    MRB members may either nominate themselves or be nominated by organizations, academic institutions, or the private sector. Board members need to have significant knowledge in a specific area important to FMCSA and CMV safety. Members of the board are appointed by the Secretary of Transportation and serve two-year terms, which may be renewed.
  6. Is there monetary compensation for serving on the MRB?

    Yes. Board members are compensated for their time according to the General Schedule and travel expenses according to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) requirements.
  7. How does one apply to serve on the MRB or the Medical Expert Panels?

    Applications may be mailed to:
    1. Medical Review Board
    2. 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
    3. Washington, DC 20590

    For questions, please call Dr. Benisse Lester at 202-366-4001, or email contactmrb@dot.gov.
  8. What bylaws has the MRB adopted?

    The MRB approved bylaws at its second meeting, on November 1, 2006. The bylaws address such issues as the purpose of the MRB and procedures for membership selection, meetings, and voting.



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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts