USGS - science for a changing world

National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program



EDMAP — University Geologic Mapping Component

EDMAP is the component of the NCGMP that trains the next generation of geologic mappers. The NCGMP allocates funds to colleges and universities in the United States and Puerto Rico through an annual competitive grant process. Every Federal dollar that is awarded is matched with university funds. Geology professors, who are skilled in geologic mapping, request EDMAP funding to support undergraduate and graduate students at their college or university in a one-year mentored geologic mapping project that focuses on a specific geographic area.

Although individual projects last for only one year, they may build upon the results of previous years' efforts. EDMAP geology professors and their students frequently work closely with STATEMAP and FEDMAP geologists who may be mapping nearby.

ED Map (EDMAP) Projects

Each year since 1996, the NCGMP has funded EDMAP projects at 30-40 colleges and universities in 19-30 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. These projects include both bedrock and surficial geologic mapping.

In the 2006-2007 funding cycle, the NCGMP is supporting 41 EDMAP projects from 37 colleges and universities in 23 states and the District of Columbia. There are 66 students and 41 faculty members participating in these projects.

More detailed map-based information about these projects is contained in the NCGMP-Funded Geologic Mapping and Related Studies database.

ED Map (EDMAP) Products

Each year, many geologic maps are produced by students as part of their EDMAP experience. As would be expected, the quality of these maps varies. Some of these maps are published, generally with the mentor professor as a co-author. Most are published by a State Geological Survey or included in USGS publications. The USGS and the universities are discussing ways to make more of these maps available to the scientific community.

The New Mapping section of the (NGMDB) contains information about geologic maps currently being produced for EDMAP, as well as for FEDMAP and STATEMAP.


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Page Last Modified: Friday, 29-Jun-2012 12:05:02 EDT