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Invest in the U.S.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a major role in the U.S. economy, both as a key driver of the economy and an important source of innovation, exports and jobs. The United States has always provided foreign investors a stable and welcoming market. As a place to do business, the United States offers a predictable and transparent legal system, low taxes, outstanding infrastructure, and access to the world’s most lucrative consumer market.

The Invest in America initiative is the primary U.S. Government mechanism to manage foreign direct investment promotion. Efforts are focused on outreach to foreign governments and investors, support for state governments’ investment promotion efforts, and addressing business climate concerns by serving as ombudsman in Washington for the international investment community.

Invest In America was transferred to the Commercial Service on January 1, 2009.

Invest in America promotes inward investment by focusing on outreach to foreign governments and investors, supporting state governments' investment promotion efforts, and addressing business climate concerns of foreign investors in the U.S.