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United States Department of State

Image: United States of America Office Seal

United States Reference Service

United States Reference Service

We invite you to sign up for our information products which you can receive by filling out the survey below.

The U.S. Reference Service provides research and reference services for Australian institutions and professionals on various aspects of United States policy: international relations, especially Australian–U.S. economic and security relations; foreign relations; the environment; U.S. society, values and politics; and global issues.

The USRS has a small print reference collection, holds subscriptions to 45 U.S. magazines and has access to thousands of journal articles via online databases.

The electronic information resources available to USRS specialists include the Internet and online databases such as: Factiva, Lexis-Nexis, ProQuest Direct Research Library, STAT-USA, Thomson Gale Power Search, Economist Intelligence Unit, Federal News Service, and Treaties and International Agreements Research (TIARA).

Areas in which we can be of assistance to you typically include:

  • A speech or statement by the U.S. President,Secretary of State, or other Cabinet Member
  • The U.S. position on current hot topics such as politics, economics, sport, terrorism
  • How the American electoral system works
  • The date and location of the NBA basketball final
  • Reports from U.S. think tanks and research institutes, etc.
  • Information on bilateral U.S.–Australian relations
  • The movie that won the best picture Academy Award in 1957
  • U.S. legislation and regulations
  • U.S. trade statistics and economic indicators
  • Recent articles from American newspapers, journals and other periodicals
  • Biographical information about American government, political, cultural or business leaders
  • Where to go and what to see and do in the U.S.
  • Treaties between Australia and the United States
  • Web sites for official U.S. government policy

Researchers, government officers, members of the Australian and State Parliaments and their staffers, journalists, university faculty and librarians are all regular users. Queries are accepted by email, fax, telephone or in person (by appointment) during our office hours of 8:00 am - 12:30 pm; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

The Embassy observes Australian and American public holidays.

If you do not find what you are looking for on this web site, please send us your information request via email or contact the USRS by phone or mail (see contact information box).

  • Talk to the Diplomats:

    If your students are interested in finding out more about the United States and talking to Americans, we can arrange for talks with U.S. diplomats working in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne or Perth. Besides being diplomatic officials, our officers all have their own subject specialties and are willing to share them with local students. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you would like to organize a program for your students.

  • Alerts:

    The USRS issues monthly alerts for web links which includes brief listings of documents about international relations, environment, democracy, economic, foreign affairs, national security, global, social and cultural issues.

Contact Details

Office Mailing Address*

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In order to enable us to effectively select material relevant to you, please indicate your areas of interest:

Areas of Interest

Please contact a librarian for specific reference and research services at or on (02) 6214-5874 (then press 4).

If you have any questions or comments about our services, programs or products, please contact the Public Affairs Section, by e-mail at

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Last update: Tuesday, 20 September 2011 GMT+1000

Embassy of the United States

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