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Medical Information and Assistance

The quality of Tajikistan’s medical infrastructure is significantly below Western standards, with shortages of basic medical supplies, including disposable needles, anesthetics, and antibiotics.  Many trained medical personnel left the country during and following the civil war.  Elderly travelers and those with pre-existing health problems may be at particular risk due to inadequate medical facilities. Travelers with pre-existing medical conditions should carry an ample supply of prescription medications and a letter from your attending physician which provides details about your medical problems. The letter should also include the generic name for any prescribed medications.

Food and waterborne diseases are the number one cause of illness in travelers. Viruses, bacteria, or parasites in contaminate food or water can cause travelers’ diarrhea.  Infections may cause diarrhea and vomiting, fever or liver damage (hepatitis). Make sure your food and drinking water are safe. Fruits and vegetables bought in local markets should be washed thoroughly and only bottled or thoroughly boiled water should be consumed.

HIV is a growing health threat in Tajikistan. The government of Tajikistan requires visitors who remain in country for more than 90 days to present an HIV/AIDS-free medical certificate confirming the HIV blood test was taken within the last three months or to submit to an HIV test in Tajikistan.
Significant disease outbreaks are possible due to population shifts and a decline in some immunization coverage among the general population.  There have been outbreaks of typhoid in the Dushanbe area and in the south and an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever to the west of Dushanbe, and the risk of contracting malaria, cholera, and water-borne illnesses is high.  Throughout Central Asia, rates of infection of various forms of hepatitis and tuberculosis (including drug-resistant strains) are on the rise.
Information about vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website and prevention hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747).
Finding Help

The American Citizens Service Unit compiled a list of local doctors (PDF-126Kb) who are willing to treat foreigners in need of medical attention while in Tajikistan. The list should in no way be construed as a recommendation. The choice of a doctor is a personal matter; the Embassy has no way to verify the professional standing or competence of the physicians on the list and is not in a position to make specific recommendations. The Embassy assumes no responsibility for the professional ability of the doctors listed. The list is provided for informational purposes only.

Consular personnel, at your request, can assist in locating medical services and informing family or friends of your medical situation. If necessary, we can also assist in the transfer of funds from the United States.  (Note, however, that payment of hospital and all expenses is the responsibility of the traveler.)
Please be advised that, should medical evacuation be necessary, the cost from Tajikistan to the United States could exceed $50,000 and all costs will be borne by the American Citizen. Therefore, international medical evacuation insurance is strongly advised.

Travelers can check the latest health advisories, immunization recommendations or requirements, and information for Tajikistan on the CDC website.

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