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SRO Employee Concerns Program

The Employee Concerns Program (ECP) is a system for both DOE federal and contractor employees to report concerns associated with enviroment, safety, health, security, fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement of DOE and contractor managed activities, or reprisal for having reported such concerns.


DOE recognizes that free and open expression of employee concerns is essential to safe and efficient accomplishment of the Department’s missions. Employees of DOE and any DOE contractors and subcontractors have the right and responsibility to report concerns relating to the environment, safety, health, and management of DOE-related activities and for identifying and preventing the harassment and intimidation of co-workers. DOE encourages open communication between management and employees and has a zero tolerance policy for reprisals against those who raise concerns.

The SR Employee Concerns Program Policy (SRP 01-06) communicates the SR Manager’s expectation for employees to report issues or concerns relating to the safe operations of DOE facilities and the efficient administration of DOE programs and confirms employees' expectations that all concerns will be addressed. The SR Alternative Dispute Resolution, Policy (SRP 01-07) encourages employees to use ADR as a tool to facilitate resolution of their concerns, complaints, and disputes more quickly, satisfactorily, and cost effectively.

Employee Concerns Process

Upon receiving a concern, ECP personnel review it and assign priority based on the urgency and safety significance of the issue identified. An investigation may be conducted by the ECP, the concern may be referred to another organization for investigation or resolution, or it may be transferred to the appropriate office or agency having subject matter expertise. Upon completion of the fact-finding stage, the results are reviewed by the manager having oversight responsibility, to ensure the issue has been thoroughly investigated and the appropriate corrective actions, if any, have been identified. The concern originator, if known, is provided a written response regarding the results of the EC investigation.

Some concerns are more appropriately resolved through more informal methods, such as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Employee Concerns Program is the point-of-contact for facilitating Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) activities on site and has resources available to assist parties in resolving any type of workplace dispute

  • Involves the use of a neutral third party, who assists the disputing parties with resolution of their issues.
  • Results in resolution of complaints and conflicts in a less costly, time-consuming, and litigious way, when compared to formal complaints and lawsuits.

  • Emphasizes the importance of each party understanding the interests and concerns of the other.

  • Involves techniques that can bring about resolution that is reached quicker, easier, and cheaper for everyone involved.

  • Enables and empowers disputing parties to develop "win-win" solutions themselves.

The Employee Concerns Program maintains a list of Site employees (Federal and Contractor) who are trained mediators that are available as resources for employees and managers, when a neutral third party is needed to facilitate discussions and resolution options. The Employee Concerns Program can also arrange for the use of an off-site mediator, when appropriate.

DOE encourages all employees to attempt resolution through the immediate supervisor or management prior to using this program. If resolution cannot be achieved through these channels, you can call or provide information in writing to the following offices:

DOE-SR EC Program (803) 952-8320 or
WSRC EC Program (803) 725-3244
WSI EC Program (803) 952-7670


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Last updated: June 2007