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Extending a limited validity passport

Limited Validity passports can be issued for a variety of reasons, but usually are designed to cover emergency travel. Such passports, valid for a maximum of twelve months, can only be replaced with a full validity passport. You will need to follow the requirements as explained to apply in person.

We cannot issue a second limited validity passport to replace an earlier one; you are expected to provide the information needed to enable us to issue a full validity passport following the issuance of a limited one.

There is no additional fee when trading in a limited validity passport for a full-validity passport if you provide the old, limited passport to us for cancellation. Otherwise the fees are $110 for adults and $105 for children (below 16).

Since there are various reasons for limiting a passport, a case by case examination must be made by the passport section of the Embassy before determining whether a passport can be extended. Often the passport can be extended only after authorization is received from the Department of State in Washington, D.C. Full validity passports are printed only in the U.S.

Because of these potential delays, you should not make any unchangeable travel plans until we are able to hand you your new passport.