
سفارة الولايات المتحدة الامريكيةُ - أنضموا الى فريقنا

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Uploaded on Nov 14, 2011

Employment at the U.S. Embassy Baghdad - Apply today! أنضموا الى فريقنا
سارعوا بالتقديم على الوظائف في السفارة الأمريكية في بغداد

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  • usembassybaghdad

    Thanks for watching! 


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  • ahm bag

    i'd like to visit the usa one day. i will try one day to see all the nice places as i heard about six flags roller coasters, so it is my aim to try that. i hope u all to see that link about six flags on youtube. happy time with it, Ahmed.


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  • Mohammed Al-Shirwani

    I tried to apply for a job in your Embassy in Baghdad but of no use. Is there any way to trace my applications, as I believe they are not considered?


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    in reply to usembassybaghdad (Show the comment)
  • Fofo Dad



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  • MrHussin1984




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  • cur2thapur2009




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  • HaiderFalah

    what's wrong!!!! I have applied dozen times but not even one reply. they say that you will never get a chance unless you someone to recommend inside.


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  • irqusa79

    well done! nice way of approaching Iraqis! this should go beyond employment to include social and cultural issue! Bravo!


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