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Embassy News 2011

February 2011

  • Youth Ambassadors from the Araucanía Region enjoy their visit to Washington, D.C

    02/28/2011 Youth Ambassadors from the Araucanía Region enjoy their visit to Washington, D.C.: A February 28 e-mail from the 6 students of the Araucanía region participating in the Youth Ambassador Program 2011, highlights their visit to Washington D.C.  

  • Secretary Clinton's remarks at the Human Rights Council in Geneva

    02/28/2011 Today the world’s eyes are fixed on Libya. We have seen Colonel Qadhafi’s security forces open fire on peaceful protestors again and again. They have used heavy weapons on unarmed civilians. Mercenaries and thugs have been turned loose to attack demonstrators.  

  • President Obama Calls for Libya's Qadhafi to Leave Power Now

    02/26/2011 President Obama calls on Libya's leader, Muammar Qadhafi, to leave power now, saying that he and his government must be held accountable for violating the human rights and brutalization of the Libyan people.  

  • U.S. Veteran Honored

    02/25/2011 Honor Guard of the United States Marine Corps rendered honors to Vietnam veteran Thomas Lee Jernigan, who passed away on January 31. 

  • Six students from Araucania travel to The United States as Youth Ambassadors

    02/25/2011 The Youth Ambassador Program, in its fourth year in Chile, unites students from all over the Americas to foster an understanding between countries, develop leadership skills and prepare the students as facilitators of change through community service. 

  • President Obama’s Remarks on Libya

    02/24/2011 The United States also strongly supports the universal rights of the Libyan people. That includes the rights of peaceful assembly, free speech, and the ability of the Libyan people to determine their own destiny. 

  • Statement by Press Secretary on President Obama Traveling to Latin America

    02/18/2011 The President and First Lady will travel to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador March 19-23, 2011. 

  • Secretary Clinton on Day of Women of the Americas

    02/18/2011 On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I’m proud to recognize the women of the hemisphere whose challenges and triumphs we honor with today’s celebration. 

  • Social Media and the World Stage

    02/18/2011 Alec Ross, Senior Advisor on Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Daniel Baer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, participated in an online discussion hosted by Facebook DC on how people around the world have been empowered by social media. 

  • U.S. Western Hemisphere Policy “Informed,” “Optimistic”

    02/17/2011 President Obama’s Western Hemisphere policy is “informed, engaged, dynamic, collaborative and optimistic,” says Arturo Valenzuela, U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.  

  • Young Chileans participate in Webcast with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

    02/17/2011 Representatives from ten Chilean non-governmental organizations (NGOs) had the opportunity to participate in an interactive dialogue with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the importance of governments working with civil society on February 16. 

  • First Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society

    02/16/2011 Secretary Clinton delivers remarks to the first ever Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society, at the Department of State, February 16, 2011.  

  • Secretary Clinton Speech on Internet Freedom

    02/15/2011 On Tuesday, February 15 Secretary Clinton delivered a speech from George Washington University: “Internet Rights And Wrongs: Choices and Challenges In A Networked World.”  

  • President Obama on a Historic Day in Egypt

    02/11/2011 President Obama speaks on the situation in Egypt following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, saying the U.S. supports the Egyptian people and stands ready to assist as the country moves towards a genuine democracy.  

  • U.S. and Russia Conclude New START Arms Cut Pact

    02/05/2011 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov exchanged diplomatic documents February 5 in Munich, concluding a two-year effort to reduce nuclear arsenals to their lowest levels in more than 50 years. 

  • Black History Month Honors Legacy of Struggle

    02/01/2011 Each February, Black History Month honors the struggles and triumphs of millions of American citizens over the most devastating obstacles — slavery, prejudice, poverty — as well as their contributions to the nation’s cultural and political life. 

News 2011