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American Library

The Americain Library is the research and reference service of the American Embassy in Ouagadougou. It was established to support Mission and promote U.S. culture and value, politics and policies.

What We Can Search and Find for You

  • A speech or statement by the U.S. President, Secretary of State or other Cabinet Member
  • The U.S. position on current hot topics
  • Information on bilateral U.S.-Burkina Faso relations
  • U.S. legislation and regulations
  • U.S. trade statistics and economic indicators
  • Recent articles from American newspapers, journals and other periodicals
  • Biographical information about American government, political, cultural or business leaders
  • Websites on official U.S. government policy

Services We Offer

  • Library membership
  • Loan of books
  • Internet room: 12 computers connected to the Internet available to members free of charge
  • English clubs activities: to allow patrons to practice their English skills
  • Bibliographies
  • Trainings and demonstration on how to use and search in the Internet
  • Ask a librarian: Any question about/on the United States finds answer here.

Our collection

  • More than 5300 titles specialized in material on U.S foreign Policy, U.S. social and cultural issues, Art, Management, U.S. history, geography, the Economy, Human Rights, Press and media, American studies... in French and English.
  • 208 titles for university professors in the area of American literature, culture and civilization
  • 49 periodicals in hard copy
  • Full text and abstracts of approximately 100 magazines are available online through commercial databases such Lexis-Nexis and bell & Howell Bell.
  • 30 CD-Roms on topics such as American history and culture, American colleges and Universities, as well as encyclopedias.
  • Online databases: Lexis-Nexis, GaleNet, Factiva and the Foundation Directory
  • Department of State Electronic Journals are also accessible in print or through the Internet.

Business Hours

  • Monday through Thursday: 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
  • Friday and Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00.

Where We are located

Secteur 15, Ouaga 2000
Avenue Sembène Ousmane
Phone: (226)50-49-53-00

American Library Hours

  • Public Hours
    Monday - Thursday
    10:00 AM - 4:30 PM

    Friday - Saturday
    9:00AM - 12:00PM

    The American Library is closed during American and Burkinabe holidays.

American Library Staff

  • Library Clerk: Barry Abidouna;
    Library Clerk: Savadogo Oumaro
    Tel.: (226) 50-49-53-00
    Fax: (226) 50-49-56-32
    Ask a Librarian