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Mission News 2010
  • April 28, 2010 - The New Zealand American Association in Wellington held a reception to welcome US Ambassador David Huebner
    April 28, 2010 - The New Zealand American Association in Wellington held a reception to welcome US Ambassador David Huebner

    The New Zealand American Association in Wellington held a reception on April 28 2010 to welcome US Ambassador David Huebner and his partner Dr Duane McWaine. Over 100 people attended the event where the Ambassador gave a talk introducing himself and elaborating on his interests; inparticular his outreach programs to students, youth leaders and scienceand technology programs. He explained he has had meetings with student representatives of all main universities and encouraged the NZAA to continue in its goals of creating friendships between New Zealanders and Americans.  view photos »

  • April 28, 2010 - U.S. Embassy celebrates Earth Day with Room 8 at Thorndon School
    April 28, 2010 - U.S. Embassy celebrates Earth Day with Room 8 at Thorndon School

    The U.S. Embassy celebrated Earth Day with Room 8 at Thorndon School on 28 April, 2010. Earth Day is in its 40th year and is marked on 22 April each year. It began in 1970 as a day to generate awareness and action for the environment and today remains an important day in the American calendar. We (4 staff from the U.S. Embassy) spent 90 minutes with Room 8 talking about the small things we can do for the environment, about the wonderful efforts of Room 8 to recycle, compost and be environmentally friendly. We got up close and personal with a solar oven which has cooked rice, pumpkin and other delicious things – truly impressive. Other highlights included planting herbs (coriander, rosemary, oregano) and broccoli in the class garden, and a close encounter with millions of worms. The students each recited their pledges to the environment – everything from looking after the class garden, to picking up litter. We’re really impressed with Room 8 and would like to thank them for having us to visit. We had a ball. watch video »

  • ANZAC DAY 2010 - The US Marines on Poppy Day, April 23, 2010
    ANZAC DAY 2010 - The US Marines on Poppy Day, April 23, 2010

    The Embassy’s Marines joined their New Zealand and Australian counterparts on the streets of Wellington on Poppy Day; the morning of Friday 23 April. “Partnering our counterparts this morning is a small way we can acknowledge the ANZAC spirit,” said Staff Sergeant Jarrod Birchler.“Kiwis and Aussies value integrity and camaraderie. They met, and meet, adversity with courage and determination.” Making an allusion to the ANZAC Ode of Remembrance he added, “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we too, will remember them.”  view photos »

  • April 22, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's Tawa College visit
    April 22, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's Tawa College visit

    On April 22, 2010 Ambassador Huebner visited a group of Year 12 and 13 history and legal studies students at Tawa College, Wellington. The Ambassador was invited to speak to the students about the American Revolution and the Constitution to tie in with their current curriculum. A wide range of topics were covered in an often lively discussion – from what an Ambassador does, to the Declaration of Independence and beyond.  view photos »

  • April 20, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's Blog Post - My First Visit to the Mainland
    April 20, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's Blog Post - My First Visit to the Mainland

    I recently took my first trip to the South Island. Unfortunately, I could only get away from Wellington for six days because of the press of other business, but that was thankfully just enough time to get a proper, partial introduction to Te Wai Pounamu. The trip started off brilliantly with an evening at the Christchurch Symphony as the guest of Lady Adrienne Stewart, a vivacious force of nature with a passion for the arts...  read more »

  • April 7, 2010 - Ten new Global Research Alliance (GRA) Fellowships.
    April 7, 2010 - Ten new Global Research Alliance (GRA) Fellowships.

    The U.S. Government announced today that it will support the participation of developing countries in the Global Research Alliance through ten new Global Research Alliance (GRA) Fellowships. read more »

  • March 27- April 1, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's visit to Christchurch and Dunedin
    March 27- April 1, 2010 - Ambassador Huebner's visit to Christchurch and Dunedin

    At the end of March Ambassador Huebner visited to Christchurch and Dunedin. The photo at left: Ambassador Huebner next to an LC-130 Hercules aircraft in Christchurch. This ski equipped aircraft is used to fly to Antarctic bases including our base at the South Pole. For larger photos follow the link. view photos »

  • U.S. Consul General Randy Berry's Cambridge Visit
    U.S. Consul General Randy Berry's Cambridge Visit

    In mid January, U.S. Consul General in Auckland, Randy Berry, travelled to Cambridge, where he met local council officials and spoke with the Cambridge Men’s Probus Club and the local media. read more »

  • Officials commission joint US-NZ Antarctic Wind Turbines
    Officials commission joint US-NZ Antarctic Wind Turbines

    US Ambassador David Huebner and New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully officially commissioned a joint effort to bring renewable energy to Antarctica. At a ceremony in Auckland on January 16, three wind turbines, which were completed last year and had been providing limited power to New Zealand’s Scott Base and the American McMurdo Station, were put into full service. read more »

  • U.S. Ambassador David Huebner's remarks on the postponement of visit to New Zealand by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
    U.S. Ambassador David Huebner's remarks on the postponement of visit to New Zealand by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

    U.S. Ambassador David Huebner held a press conference in Auckland on January 14 to discuss the postponement of the planned visit to New Zealand by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was due to arrive in New Zealand on January 15 but had to return to Washington to deal with the unfolding crisis following the major earthquake in Haiti. The Ambassador expressed his sincere regret over the loss of life in Haiti and the humanitarian catastrophe developing there, as well as disappointment about the postponement of the visit. He said that the Secretary had all intentions of continuing her trip, but that once reports came out on the enormity of the humanitarian disaster in Haiti, she decided to return to Washington. read more »

  • Marines lend Santa a Helping Hand
    Marines lend Santa a Helping Hand

    U.S. Marines will be out in Wellington shopping malls this weekend partnering with the Salvation Army to ensure that toys find their way to Santa-sacks in needy homes this Christmas. Detachment Commander, Staff Sergeant Jarrod Birchler says the Wellington based detachment leapt at the opportunity to continue the Christmas tradition. 

  • NZ Anti-Drugs Campaigner Mike Sabin Speaks at US Embassy
    NZ Anti-Drugs Campaigner Mike Sabin Speaks at US Embassy

    Mike Sabin is New Zealand’s leading private sector educator and campaigner on the methamphetamine epidemic. Wednesday 2 December he addressed an audience of NZ government agency, NGO and corporate specialists about the methamphetamine epidemic in New Zealand. He reported on findings, (particularly lessons learned) from his US State Department Voluntary Visitor program.  

  • Embassy Volunteers Bring Thanksgiving to Wellington
    Embassy Volunteers Bring Thanksgiving to Wellington

    Volunteers from the United States Embassy worked together with Wellington based members of the New Zealand chefs association to bring a Thanksgiving Dinner to 120 clients of Wellington’s Downtown Community Ministry - some of Wellington’s most at need.