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Immigrant Visa Medical Information

Vaccination Chart | Panel Physicians

Immigrant Visa applicants, regardless of age, require a medical examination and certain vaccinations prior to the issuance of an immigrant visa.

Panel physicians who conduct medical examinations of immigrant visa applicants are now required to verify that immigrant visa applicants have met the new vaccination requirement, or that it is medically inappropriate for the visa applicant to receive one or more of the listed vaccinations:

Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Polio, Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids, Pertussis, Influenza Type B (HIB), Hepatitis B, Varicella, Pneumococcal and Influenza.

In order to assist the panel physician, and to avoid delays in the processing of an immigrant visa, all immigrant visa applicants should have their vaccination records available for the panel physician’s review at the time of the immigrant medical examination. Visa applicants should consult with their regular health care provider to obtain a copy of their immunization record, if one is available. If you do not have a vaccination record, the panel physician will work with you to determine which vaccinations you may need to meet the requirement. Certain waivers of the vaccination requirement are available upon the recommendation of the panel physician.

Only a physician can determine which of the listed vaccinations are medically appropriate for you, given your age, medical history and current medical condition

Vaccination Chart

Requirements for routine vaccination of immigrants who are not fully vaccinated (or have no documentation) and are examined overseas. (All vaccines may be given at the same time in different sites of the body.)


Vaccine Birth - 1 month 2 - 11 months 12 months
to 4 years
5 - 6
7 - 17 years 18 - 64 years 65 years or older
DTP/DTap; may include DT No Yes Yes Yes No No No
TD No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Hib No Yes Yes No No No No
Polio: IPV or OPV No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
MMR No No Yes if born after 1956 Yes if born after 1956 Yes if born after 1956 Yes if born after 1956 No
Hepatitis B Yes, through 19 years of age Yes, through 19 years of age Yes, through 19 years of age Yes, through 19 years of age Yes, through 19 years of age No No
Varicella No
NOT available in
NOT available in
in the United Kingdom; therefore, not required
in the United Kingdom; therefore, not required
in the United Kingdom; therefore, not required
in the United Kingdom; therefore, not required
in the United Kingdom; therefore, not required
Pnuemococcal No Yes, through 23 months of age
(for PCV)
Yes, through 23 months of age
(for PCV)
No No No Yes
(for PPV)
Influenza No No No No No Yes. 50 years and or older
Annually each flu season
Yes. 50 years and or older
Annually each flu season

Immigrant Visa Medical Exam

Before coming to this office on your appointment date it is necessary that you undergo a medical examination. Two working days are usually required to obtain the results of these examinations. For your medical examination you should contact the clinic of one of the following doctors:

When you report for your medical examination you will be asked to submit your valid passport, all vaccination records and two recent photographs 2 by 2 inches.

Please do NOT make appointments with more than one doctor, as this may lead to a delay in processing your case.


M.B., Ch. B. (L'pool), F.R.C.P. (Lond.)
Office 102, Demitas Tower,
14, Michalakopoulou Street
(Off Kennedy Ave.), Nicosia 137
Office tel: 357-22-460828
Office fax: 357-22-460843

Cardiovascular Diagnostic Centre
Corner Kennedy Ave., & 1, Thassos Street,
Nicosia 1087 
Office Tel:  357-22-760948, 761251
Office fax:  357-22-760087
E mail:

North of Cyprus

Dr. Sibel SIBER
3, Nurullah Atac Street
Koskluciftlik, Nicosia, Cyprus
Office Phone:  392-227-8983