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PKSOI's Stability Operations Lessons Learned & Information Management System (SOLLIMS) is designed to allow US Military, USG civilian agencies, multinational military and civilian organizations, IOs, NGOs, and private sector organizations to engage in a collaborative process for the collection, analysis, dissemination and integration of lessons learned for Peace and Stability Operations. 

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I agree to these

As a condition to gain access to this site and knowledge repositories - referred to as the PKSOI Stability Operations Lessons Learned Information System, hereafter referred to as "P/SOLLIMS", I hereby agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Access to, participation in and contributions to P/SOLLIMS involves both access to and release of full "open access" information. Materials included but are not limited to documents, reports,raw and processed data, email content, graphics/photographs, briefings/presentations, and other types of written and multi-media products. I affirm, acknowledge and understand that any information I provide or that I take from this site is full "open access" information - i.e. it is NOT classified in any way, nor controlled by FOUO restrictions; that all information can be viewed by any authorized user of this site; that all information maybe subsequently used by authorized users of this site given appropriate citation and acknowledgement of the source according to established writing and publishing norms. Use of this information should be coordinated directly with provider/source when prepariong secondary products.

2. I will conduct myself within this site in a professional manner - to include comments within forums and discussion group sessions; I will submit no information that is harmful to or derogatory of the USG or any partner Stability Operations agencies/organizations except as appropriate to identify Stability Operations related gaps and issues of a critical nature. I understand that all materials, Lesson and products submitted will receive as a minimum a "Peer" review to determine appropriateness and completeness; I will provide additional background/supporting information on request. Information/products submitted will always cite source and credentials as appropriate; the administrators of this site and the Director, PKSOI have final say as to what is posted and/or released within this site. Once reviewed and approved, all information and products are open to all authorized users of this site.

3. By registering I agree to comply with all provisions specified in the Terms and Conditions above.

Security Notice


You have entered an UNCLASSIFIED computer system.

This computer system, including all related equipment, networks and network devices, information and information/products, may NOT be used for storage or dissemination of  CLASSIFIED,  FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO), or otherwise restricted data. 
All information submitted or matained on system database is available to all Authorized users and maybe disseminated openly.
For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, to cause damage, and to monitor security procedures, survivability, and operational security.

Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.


Technical Support

For technical support, please call (717) 245-3834 for assistance