PKSOI Publications

The Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute is committed to support the Peace and Stability Operations community with high quality publications developed through a disciplined approach to research and analysis that addresses USG and international policy-relevant issues at both the national / strategic level and in support of the US and multinational operational forces and interagency elements. Through our comprehensive publications program we look to provide visibility to the challenging Peace and Stability Operations issues facing the nation and the world and hopefully stimulate thought and analysis to come to recommendations and solutions to tough problems. We eagerly solicit your contributions to this effort.

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PKSOI Papers

Smart Research Leveraging Interns and Fellows to Enhance your Research Program

Smart Research Leveraging Interns and Fellows to Enhance your Research Program

Author: Karen Finkenbinder and Richard Parsons

This paper is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the general issues surrounding an internship program. It answers such questions as: What is an intern or fellow? Where do you find them? What are the requirements? What do they do? What are the legal considerations? What are the security issues? The second part is what we call a “How To” section. It is the nuts and bolts of starting an internship program. It is also the boring part, though efforts have been made so it doesn’t read like the U.S. tax code. We st
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Ground Truth in Building Human Security

Ground Truth in Building Human Security

Author: Douglas Batson

During the Cold War, United Nations (UN) peacekeepers patrolled buffer zones between warring interstate parties who had signed a peace agreement and consented to the UN’s “blue helmet” presence. Post-Cold War conflicts, on the other hand, have been chiefly of the intrastate variety with its attending complexities. When UN peacekeepers deploy today, they often find no uniformed enemy to contain and no peace to keep. Donning instead blue berets, as befitting their peacebuilding vice peacekeeping role, they encounter populati
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Hearts and Minds: A Strategy of Conciliation, Coercion, or Commitment?

Hearts and Minds: A Strategy of Conciliation, Coercion, or Commitment?

Author: Lieutenant Colonel Karl E. Nell

The efficacy of the hearts-and-minds concept as initially propounded by British Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer in 1952 to address a communist guerrilla insurgency during the Malayan Emergency has subsequently assumed a storied—even jaded—reputation within Western military establishments not to mention the American psyche. Whether unfairly maligned, inappropriately modified, or simply misunderstood, hearts-and-minds remains at the forefront of today’s counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine largely resulting from General David
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Female Participation in Formed Police Units

Female Participation in Formed Police Units

Author: Charlotte Anderholt

This report examines the obstacles that continue to hamper the integration of women into Formed Police Units (FPUs) of Peacekeeping Operations in accordance with the principles of United Nations (UN) Resolution 1325. To address this topic the study (1) briefly establishes the emerging importance of police units to peacekeeping operations, (2) outlines the key principles of UN Resolution 1325, (3) discusses the need for diversity, especially gender diversity, in police units, (4) discusses the core obstacles to integrating women into police
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Reconstruction and Stabilization Continuity of Operation: Insights from Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Author: Brett Doyle

Part of the problem is new people come in and it takes them about three months to figure out what is going on a PRT [Provincial Reconstruction Team] ... Projects might be better managed if there was project continuity from the incumbent to their replacement. However, since there is typically no left/right seat handoff that usually results in the new guy taking over an old, non-value-add project because he/she does not know where else to start. Or, they throw everything out and start the ‘new project of the month. – Interv (Click here to read review)

Cooperation Trumps Clash: U.S. Civilian-Military Integration of Public Finance Assistance in Iraq 2008-2009

Author: James G. Waller, Senior Vice President, International Nathan Associates Inc.


The United States should improve the “integration of skills and capabilities within our military and civilian institutions, so they complement each other and operate seamlessly.”--2010 National Security Strategy
Many U.S. Government (USG) agencies helped Iraq rebuild its economy during the 2008-2009 period—the U.S. Department of State, the (Click here to read review)

PKSOI Collaborative Works

Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide

Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide

Author: Mr. Dwight Raymond

The Protection of Civilians (PoC) refers to efforts that protect civilians from physical violence, secure their rights to access essential services and resources, and contribute to a secure, stable, and just environment for civilians over the long-term. PoC is a moral, political, legal, and strategic priority for
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17th Annual International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres Workshop Report

17th Annual International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres Workshop Report

Author: PKSOI

This report is a recapitulation of the 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres (IAPTC) held at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America from 14-18 November 2011. It provides the attendees with a concise reference of the proceedings, and chronicles the key points of discussion throughout the conference.

The Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) has been a part of the IAPTC since its inception in 1995, and it was our sincere pleasure to joi
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