Lessons Learned


PKSOI's LL program is designed to allow US Military, USG civilian agencies, multinational military and civilian organizations, IOs, NGOs, academia and private sector organizations to engage in a collaborative process for Collection, Analysis, Dissemination and Integration of lessons learned for Peace and Stability Operations.

SOLLIMS: PKSOI's lessons learned program is based on the implementation and sustainment of a robust, web-based Knowledge Management system referred to as the "Stability Operations Lessons Learned and Information Management System (SOLLIMS)." SOLLIMS is instantiated in an open-access, public domain architecture to support global accessibility and encourage data submission by the DoD, other USG agencies (non-DoD), NGOs, IOs, multi-national, academic and private sector practitioners and partners within the Peace and Stability Operations community.

The SOLLIMS "back end" is based on the Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) technical architecture. SOLLIMS is an important "test case" for DoD and the development community in fielding a lessons learned database environment outside of the DoD/DA firewall - removing the need for Common Access Card (CAC) access. The site (http://sollims.pksoi.org) is Password and I/D protected to control user access/membership by appropriate representatives of the Peace and Stability Operations community. The PKSOI Site Manager and Command Lesson Manager (CLM) review/approve/disapprove all requests for access to SOLLIMS; designated SMEs vet/validate and control the content that is contained within the SOLLIMS Master Tier site and the included Tier 1 subsites.

SOLLIMS Samplers: Samplers are lessons-learned compendiums focused on a particular P/SO topic. Each 'sampler' contains just a sample of the observations, insights and lessons related to the topic area available in the SOLLIMS data repositories. This content is considered of sufficient value to be worth sharing with senior military commanders and their staffs - as well as civilian practitioners with a P/SO-related mission/function - those currently deployed into conflict environments, those planning to deploy, the institutional Army, policy makers and other international civilian and military leaders at the national and theater level. Samplers can be found at: http://pksoi.army.mil/PKM/publications/sollims/index.cfm.