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Press Section

Press Section

Boltzmanngasse 16
A-1090 Vienna
Tel.: (+43-1) 31339-2066, 2067
Fax (+43-1) 31339-2057

The Press Section of the U.S. Embassy Vienna organizes and supports all media and public affairs events related to the Embassy, the U.S. Ambassador to Austria and upon request to the Ambassadors of the Tri-Mission. The Press Section informs the Austrian media about U.S. policies and issues through a wide variety of services, including the electronic dissemination of press releases, fact sheets, and publications. The Press Section organizes and coordinates background briefings for the resident media, news conferences, interviews, lectures, digital video conferences (DVCs) and web chats. General information about American society and culture for media covering the United States and research on topics and issues related to U.S. policy requested by the media are handled by the American Reference Center in coordination with the Press Section.

The Press Section publishes several documents, ranging from press releases to inform the media of U.S. Embassy and U.S. government activities to full texts of important official documents such as treaties, policy papers and speeches. Backgrounders and summaries of U.S. views on important policy issues are also made available to media institutions upon request. On the occasion of visits by high-level U.S. officials or delegations, the Press Section organizes news conferences and interviews and offers support for the international press accompanying the U.S. government officials. The Press Section provides program support to visiting academics, writers, or lecturers, aimed at informing the media of the U.S. stance on issues relevant to the U.S.-European relationship or to explain American foreign policy issues and society, based on Washington guidance. Through its specialized services in Washington, the Press Section can also organize video dialogues (DVCs) and exclusive telephone interviews upon request. The Press Section also provides facilitative assistance to Austrian media covering issues in the United States and coordinates those visits with the Foreign Press Centers. The Press Section often coordinates press releases on matters relating to the U.S.-Austrian relationship with the relevant Austrian ministries.

Daily activities include reports on major Austrian news items and media reaction reports on the United States.

Journalists who have to go professionally to the U.S. for their TV or radio station, newspaper or magazine as well as television crews need to apply for a journalist visa (I visa).

New electronic visa application form DS 160

Recommendations for Journalists traveling to the United States professionally