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Name: Alexa S.
Home Country: United States
Year: 2010

Alexa and some of the 7-year-old girls from one of the orphanages she works at in Cairo.

Photo by Alexa S.

Memorable Moments

Visiting the Mosque

The best adventure thus far was going to this mosque called Ibn Tulun (the only mosque I've been inside of) and climbing up this spiral tower to see a good part of the city at sunset. That was more exciting than seeing the pyramids…mostly because most people don't know about it (even some Egyptians).

Working at the Orphanage

I work at an orphanage teaching English to children with special needs, and it is totally rewarding. I'll be sad to leave them!

Cultural Surprises

Gender Roles

It surprised me to learn how Egyptians greet one another. A man and a man will hug and kiss each other on the cheek and a woman and a woman will hug and kiss each other on the cheek, but it is not accepted for a man and a woman to hug and kiss each other on the cheek. Most of the population is Muslim, but women have the choice of covering their hair or face. My host mother explained that women are like diamonds and so they are not for just anyone to see, only for the man that deserves her (aka: her husband).

The Streets of Cairo

Crossing the street is just like playing Frogger -I am not exaggerating. There is this subtle game that people crossing the street play with drivers. They look into a driver's eyes to know whether or not he/she will stop the car or will not. You can buy nearly anything on the street. People will try to sell you tupperware, tissues, bread, etc. while you are sitting in your car! There are fruit stands, bread stands, and little stores on the sides of the road.

Other Surprises

  • Taxi drivers almost always get lost.
  • People can be arrested if they are caught kissing in public.
  • A lot of Egyptians live at home with their parents until they get married.
  • Friday and Saturday are weekend days and Sunday - Thursday are weekdays.



Indirect communication is hard to get used to. Communicating in Arabic makes things easier, but still doesn't always drive home the point. I've learned that after awhile, people will get used to you and will give up on always trying to give you things. For example, my host mother no longer puts 5 plates of food in front of me and expects me to eat it all.

Guys on the street constantly use catcalls to get the attention of women. I've been talked to, whistled at, yelled at, hissed at, etc. It happens every single day. It's a huge part of their culture, but not all Egyptian men act this way. Egyptian women have to deal with this whether they wear a veil or not. Because I'm an American, I seem to attract attention no matter what I'm wearing. I just deal with it by ignoring it. Sometimes people have tried to be nice by telling me "Welcome to Egypt!" but I ignored them because I am just so used to ignoring people. Oops!


Hard Workers

  • Egyptians work very hard and so do Americans.
  • I think in both Egypt and the U.S., money talks.
  • Both Americans and Egyptians can be very generous people.

Tips for Others

Be Open-Minded
They key to a successful program is to try to keep a good mindset at all times and work hard to learn the language.

Want to share your own exchange program story? Answer the questions on our "Share Your Story" page! Alexa participated in the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs in the U.S. Department of State.

>>Join the NSLI-Y discussion group.

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Tags: fromusa, nsliy, toegypt

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome,I just came back to Egypt, my home.. I was in US year for another exchange program and it was really good experiences to know much more about other culture.. I wish I put my hands with you guys and make bridge to more global understanding and spread the peace.

Ahmed Ghazy
Graphic Designer
Hi Alexa, Really I'm so pleased with your experience at Egypt and really you touched very important points in my Original country Egypt. Really After I went thru your Discussion forum I want to know your personal opinion about Egypt...

Hisham el basher
IT Admin
Cali, USA
Hi Alexa,
That's great to know all that about Egypt in the few days you have spent here in our main city Cairo. I think you have visited many different places as our country is varied one in its culture. I think also you were so impressed by Cairo nights which is full of great events here and there. I wish to be one of those who are bridging the matter between each other. It is great to understand and interact together for the better of our next generation.
Ahmed Amin
English Teacher
Thanks for posting your story and photos.
you are right this egypt but you need to know the true egyptians they are so kind and sociable and kissing that way means they love each other deeply without thinking about sex as it is always not the main motif between them. sa that woman who told you about veil she is right women are precieous for the egyptians from long ago. if you need more excitment visit other cities outside cairo. enjoy your stay in lovely egypt
Hi, alexa, thanks for sharing your story! I am applying for a nsli-y scholarship for next, and am putting Arabic as one of my top choicies. However, I am having doubts about this, because of the attitude about women in many of these countries.

Do you think this kinda sexist culture took away from your experience? How hard is it to be a female foreigner in a muslim country?
aaah Alexa its really nice to see here it brings me tons of memoryies lol i LIKE what u said about taxi drivers haha its waaay true u missed to tell ppl about partys , "mozza and 3asal" stuff and the sha3by music lol !! I miss yoooou ^_^
Wow that mosque is so pretty! It sounds like you had a really eye-opening experience! haha the cat is cute! :)
Hello Alexa, I was so happy when I read your story, I like it :) I hope you had a good time in Egypt, and next time call me, I will be their for you in case you need help.

Best of luck.

Beautiful story and well written.  I have never visited Egypt...but just in case I do, your story has enlightened me about the Egyptians culture and has prepared me for the scenarios mentioned...  And I would love to visit this country.

i like this places so much


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