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Harbor Maintenance Fee Data Collection

During the 103rd Congress, legislation was enacted which allows Customs Border and Protection (CBP), the Corps, and the U.S. Department of Commerce to share a maximum total of $5 million per year for expenses incurred in the administration of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF). The Corps requires a portion of the administrative funding to collect data on domestic shippers of waterborne commerce subject to the Harbor Maintenance Tax (HMT) and provide it to CBP for enforcement and audit purposes; track O&M expenditures; and prepare and distribute the Annual Report to Congress on the Status of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. Funds are being used to continue ongoing HMF data collection and analysis programs; improve the geographic accuracy and completeness of waterborne movements and cargo data; improve CBP-Corps data communications systems; and increase analysis of HMF allocation/budget analyses.

Fact Sheet (pdf, 137 KB)

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