

Establish a culture that uses standardized processes to share the United States Army War College knowledge, information, and intellectual capital internally and globally.


An academic institution that supports national security objectives by sharing knowledge globally.


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Registered Users May Access the Following Services

 Connect with a SME

Register and pose questions to other registered Subject Matter Experts.

 Support The Network

By submitting your KMN profile you may become eligible to participate as a Subject Matter Expert after an internal peer review.

 Strategic Wiki

This is a new feature that will provide peer reviews on various subjects. We envision educators, leadership and Soldiers providing collaborative up to date articles.


Manage your subscription to Parameters, The US Army’s Senior Professional Journal.


With a completed profile the USAWC Library can push links to recently published items that relate to your selected interests. You can adjust your interests to reflect a change in your duty position or an upcoming assignment.

 War College Alumni

Alumni receive additional services with access to selected current course material. Receive invitations to online electives as part of our new life long learning program. Connect with other alumni through our online directory.