Accident Investigations

BSEE has the responsibility under OCSLA to conduct investigations and prepare a report of incidents associated with OCS mineral development. The purpose of the investigation is to identify the cause(s) of the incident and to make recommendations to prevent their recurrence and the occurrence of similar accidents.

The Bureau reviews all incidents reported to determine whether or not they will be investigated. Whether an incident is investigated and the degree to which it is investigated is based upon the following factors:

  1. The actual and potential severity of the incident.
  2. The complexity of the incident.
  3. The probability of similar incidents occurring.

BSEE conducts an initial onsite investigation for many of the incidents reported. Formal investigations are then conducted for the more serious or significant incidents, based on the criteria noted above. BSEE conducts two types of formal investigations:

District Investigations
Conducted by a team appointed by the District Manager of the office with responsibility for the location of the incident. Teams are primarily composed of District office personnel, but may involve other BSEE or non-BSEE personnel. Occasionally, the District Manager may appoint an individual to conduct an investigation, rather than a team.

Panel Investigations
Conducted by a team appointed by the Regional Director of the office with responsibility for the location of the incident. A panel leader is designated to direct the work of the team. Teams are primarily composed of Regional and District personnel, but may involve other BSEE or non-BSEE personnel. Panel investigations are usually conducted when a more in-depth investigation is needed and may involve more comprehensive investigation techniques such as formal hearings.