OSC Outreach Program and 2302(c) Certification Program

Overview of 2302(c) Certification Program

The Office of Personnel Management recognizes 2302(c) certification as a "suggested performance indicator" for 'getting to green' on the Strategic Management of Human Capital element of the President's Management Agenda.

In 1994, Congress responded to reports of widespread ignorance in the federal workforce concerning employees’ right to be free from prohibited personnel practices (PPP), especially retaliation for whistleblowing, by enacting 5 U.S.C. §2302(c). That provision charges "[t]he head of each agency" with responsibility for "ensuring (in consultation with the Office of Special Counsel) that agency employees are informed of the rights and remedies available to them" under the prohibited personnel practice and whistleblower retaliation protection provisions of Title 5.

OSC's 2302(c) Certification Program allows federal agencies to meet the statutory obligation to inform their workforces about the rights and remedies available to them under the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) and related civil service laws. Under the 2302(c) Certification Program, OSC will certify an agency’s compliance with 5 U.S.C. §2302(c) if the agency meets the following five requirements: