About Us

The Landslide Hazards Program (LHP) supports the USGS mission to serve the Nation by providing reliable scientific information to minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters. The LHP's mission is to provide information that leads to the reduction of losses from landslides and increase in public safety through improved understanding of landslide hazards and strategies for hazard mitigation. In pursuit of the program mission, the LHP conducts landslide hazard assessments, pursues landslide investigations and forecasts, provides technical assistance to respond to landslide emergencies, and engages in outreach activities.

Landslide Research

Research on landslide hazards addresses fundamental questions of where and when landslides are likely to occur; the size, speed, and effects of landslides; and how to avoid or mitigate those effects. Such research is essential if the LHP is to make significant progress in addressing landslide problems triggered by severe storms, earthquakes, volcanic activity, coastal wave attack, and wildland fires in the United States. Public and private decision makers increasingly depend on information that the LHP provides before, during, and after a disaster so that they can live, work, and build safely.


The LHP works closely with states, other bureaus within the Department of the Interior, and other Federal and State agencies to reduce landslide losses. The LHP anticipates working closely with Oregon, California, Hawaii and other states during the next 5 years. LHP is working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on a new landslide hazard alert system. LHP also has a partnership with the American Planning Association on an effort to incorporate landslide hazards information into the land-use planning process. LHP is a member of the International Consortium of Landslides, a United Nations sponsored organization, which among other activities, is producing a universal handbook on understanding landslides and landslide mitigation.

The Landslide Hazards Program Long-term Goals

Fulfilling the mission of the LHP - to provide information that leads to the reduction of losses from landslides and increase public safety through improved understanding of landslide hazards - requires developing the information, scientific understanding and capabilities needed to issue accurate warnings, advisories, or notifications of landslide hazards. Each of the program's 5-year goals combines a balanced mix of applications and research to achieve their mission: