Professors Bob Sharp and Brianne Todd engaging in a very thought provoking dialogue with the participants.

Prof. Jack Gill coordinates a discussion between the participants and Mr. Vikram Singh, The Department of Defense’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia and the participants.

The participants taking part in one of the many sessions that took place during the Tunisian NDI.

Ambassdor Gouia after being presented the Distinguished Alumnus Award Director by Ambassador Larocco.

The NESA Center fosters open communication and educational opportunities for representatives from the NESA region and other participating countries.


Mar 20, 2013 | News Article
NESA Distinguished Research Fellow Major General Najim Al-Jabouri was featured on Russia Today...
Mar 20, 2013 | News Article
NESA Research Associate Sterling Jensen was featured on Russia Today TV Arabic yesterday...
Mar 19, 2013 | News Article
Distinguished Research Fellow Major General Najim Al-Jabouri was quoted in Thomas E. Ricks’...
Mar 19, 2013 | News Article
Distinguished Research Fellow Major General Najim Al-Jabouri was quoted in the March/April...
Mar 18, 2013 | News Article
WASHINGTON—February 8—Ambassador Faysal Gouia, Director General for the Americas and Asia the...
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Director's Message

Greetings from the Director, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies:I have had the great opportunity to travel extensively through the...


The NESA Center supports four regional combatant commands theatre security cooperation plans...


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