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ADEM CONDITIONS FOR WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION (WQ-1 through WQ-12): Because action pertinent to water quality certification is required by Section 401(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1251, et. seq., and the Alabama Coastal Area Management Program, the ADEM issued official project certification for a period not to exceed five (5) years from the date of issuance [1 October 2016] of the Corps general permits referenced herein, unless extended in writing by ADEM.  ADEM stated that if the project is conducted in accordance with the prescribed conditions, that there is reasonable assurance that the discharge resulting from the proposed activities as submitted will not violate applicable water quality standards established under Section 303 of the Clean Water Act and Section 22-22-9(g), Code of Alabama (1975).  ADEM certified that there are no applicable limitations under Sections 301 and 302 nor applicable standards under Sections 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act in regard to the activities specified.  However, regulations promulgated by EPA requiring discharge permits for stormwater runoff from individual and commercial facilities may be applicable. The ADEM certification does not address the requirements of those regulations.  The ADEM certification contains the below listed twelve (12) special conditions (WQ-1 through WQ-12):


WQ-1.  During project implementation, the applicant shall ensure compliance with applicable requirements of ADEM Admin. Code Chapter 335-6-6 [National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)], Chapter 335-6-10 (Water Quality Criteria), and Chapter 335-6-11 (Water Use Classifications for Interstate and Intrastate Waters).


WQ-2.  Please be advised that ADEM permit coverage may be required prior to commencing and/or continuing certain activities/operations relating to or resulting from the project. If you have any questions regarding ADEM regulated activity, or the need for NPDES permit coverage, please contact ADEM’s Water Division at (334) 271-7823. If you have any questions regarding ADEMs regulated activity or the need for air permit coverage, please contact ADEM’s Air Division at (334) 271-7869. If you have any questions regarding ADEM regulated activity or the need for hazardous, toxic, and/or solid waste permit coverage, please contact ADEM’s Land Division at (334) 271-7730.


WQ-3.  Upon the loss or failure of any treatment facility, best management practice (BMP), or other control, the applicant shall, where necessary to maintain compliance with this certification, suspend, cease, reduce or otherwise control work/activity and all discharges until effective treatment is restored. It shall not be a defense for the applicant in a compliance action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce work or other activities in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this certification.


WQ-4.  The applicant shall retain records adequate to document activities authorized by this certification for a period of at least three years after completion of work/activity authorized by the certification. Upon written request, the applicant shall provide ADEM with a copy of any record/information required to be retained by this paragraph.


WQ-5.  The applicant shall prepare a detailed Best Management Practice (BMP) Plan. Effective BMPs shall be implemented and continually maintained for the prevention and control of sediment and other sources of pollutants, including measures to ensure permanent revegetation or cover of all of disturbed areas, during and after project completion.


WQ-6.  The applicant shall implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan for all temporary or permanent onsite fuel or chemical storage tanks or facilities consistent with the requirements of ADEM Admin. Code R. 335-6-6-.12(r), Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and 40 CFR Part 112. The applicant shall maintain onsite or have readily available sufficient oil and grease absorbing material and floatation booms to contain and clean-up fuel or chemical spills and leaks. The applicant shall immediately notify ADEM after becoming aware of significant visible oil sheen in the vicinity of the proposed activity. In the event of a spill with the potential to impact groundwater or other waters of the State, the applicant should immediately call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 and the Alabama Emergency Management Agency at 1-800-843-0699. The caller should be prepared to report name, address and telephone number of person reporting spill, the exact location of the spill, the cause of the spill, the nearest downstream water with the potential to receive the spill, and the actions taken for containment and cleanup.


WQ-7.  The applicant shall conduct or have conducted, at a minimum, weekly comprehensive site inspections until completion of the proposed activity to ensure that effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) are properly designed, implemented, and regularly maintained (i.e. repair, replace, add to, improve, implement more effective practice, etc.) to prevent/minimize to the maximum extent practicable discharges of pollutants in order to provide for the protection of water quality.


WQ-8.  Additional, effective BMPs shall be fully implemented and maintained on a daily basis as needed to prevent to the maximum extent possible potential discharges of pollutants from activities authorized by this certification, directly to or to a tributary or other stream segment, that have the potential to impact a State water currently considered impaired [waterbody is identified on the 303(d) list, a total maximum daily load (TMDL) has been finalized for the waterbody, and/or the waterbody is otherwise considered a Tier 1 water pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code Ch. 335-6-10]. The applicant shall inspect all BMPs as often as necessary (daily if needed) for effectiveness, need for maintenance, and the need to implement additional, effective BMPs. Additional effective BMPs shall immediately be implemented as needed to ensure full compliance with the ADEM requirements and the protection of water quality in the impaired waterbody.


WQ-9.  All construction and worker debris (e.g. trash, garbage, etc.) must be immediately removed and disposed in an approved manner. If acceptable offsite options are unavailable, effective onsite provisions for collections and control of onsite worker toilet wastes or gray waters (i.e. port-o-let, shower washdown, etc.) must be implemented and maintained. Soil contaminated by paint or chemical spills, oil spills, etc. must be immediately cleaned up or be removed and disposed in an approved manner. Also, the applicant shall manage and dispose of any trash, debris, and solid waste according to applicable state and federal requirements.


WQ-10.  All materials used as fill, or materials used for construction of structures in a waterbody, must be non-toxic, non-leaching, non-acid forming, and free of solid waste or other debris.


WQ-11.  The applicant shall implement appropriate measures to minimize the potential for a decrease in instream dissolved oxygen concentrations as a result of project implementation. In addition, the applicant shall ensure that the activities authorized by this certification do not significantly contribute to or cause a violation of applicable water quality standards for instream dissolved oxygen.


WQ-12.  The applicant shall implement appropriate, effective BMPs, including installation of floating turbidity screens as necessary, to minimize downstream turbidity to the maximum extent practicable. The applicant shall visually monitor or measure background turbidity. The applicant must suspend operations should turbidity resulting from project implementation exceed background turbidity by more than 50 NTUs. Operations may resume when the turbidity decreases to within acceptable levels.