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ORISE technician performs a radiological facility survey

As radiological cleanup of legacy facilities continues across the United States, it remains critically important that land and facilities are verified safe for reuse or demolition. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) provides environmental assessments and health physics services for the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other government agencies to thoroughly assess the adequacy and effectiveness of radiological cleanup.

After 30 years, our proven survey methodologies, customized health physics services and the capabilities of our on-site radiochemistry laboratory have positioned ORISE as a leader in the independent verification of environmental cleanup activities. These efforts go a long way in greatly enhancing public trust and instilling confidence in the decontamination and decommissioning of radiologically contaminated sites.

Our capabilities include:

ORISE technician performs environmental scan

Independent verification

ORISE performs independent verification of cleanup activities to help ensure facilities and land can be safely released for government, commercial or public use.

ORISE technician performs characterization survey

Characterization surveys

Through the use of specialized equipment, ORISE performs characterization surveys to provide an accurate assessment of the radiological contaminants that will require cleanup.

Nuclear power plan

Health physics services

ORISE is nationally recognized for our full range of health physics services that can help government agencies protect their workers, the public and the environment.

ORISE technician performs radiochemical analysis

Radiochemical analyses

ORISE operates a radiochemistry laboratory to provide independent analysis of environmental samples collected at survey sites.

Student performs a sample analsys during a health physics training course at ORAU

Health physics training

Through our managing contractor, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, we offer hands-on, laboratory-based training in a variety of health physics courses.