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Survey Category
Survey Category Title Date Link
2009 User's Guide 2009 User's Guide 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide Data Dictionary 2011 XLS
2009 User's Guide Codebook 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide Weighting Report 2010 PDF
2009 User's Guide Derived Variables Description 2012 PDF
2009 User's Guide Glossary: Abbreviations, Travel Concepts and Glossary of Terms 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide Tract and Block Group Variables (also known as Claritas Variables) 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide BESTMILE: Developing a Best Estimate of Annual Vehicle Mileage for 2009 NHTS Vehicles 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide EIA Estimation Methodologies 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide GASPRICE: Weekly Gasoline Prices 2011 PDF
2009 User's Guide Telephone (CATI) Questionnaire 2009 PDF
2009 User's Guide Telephone (CATI) Questionnaire Extended Interview 2009 PDF
2009 User's Guide Telephone (CATI) Questionnaire: Screener Interview - Spanish Version 2009 PDF
2009 User's Guide Telephone (CATI) Questionnaire: Extended Interview – Spanish Version 2009 PDF
2009 User's Guide Field Documents 2009 PDF
2009 User's Guide 2009 NASS (FARS) Vehicle Makes and Models 2009 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: URBAN-RURAL Designations 2011 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: TRIPPURP Definitions 2011 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: Coding of Corrected VEHTYPE V2.1 2011 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: Negative Values, -1 2011 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: A Special Note on Count Variables 2011 PDF
2009 FAQ FAQ: Weekday vs. Weekend Travel 2011 PDF
2001 User's Guide 2001 User's Guide 2004 PDF
1995 User's Guide 1995 User's Guide 1997 PDF
1990 User's Guide 1990 User's Guide 1991 PDF
1983 User's Guide 1983 NPS home page 1985 HTML
1977 User's Guide 1977 NPTS home page 1979 HTML
1969 User's Guide 1969 NPTS home page 1971 HTML
2009 Report Summary of Travel Trends: 2009 National Household Travel Survey 2011 PDF
2009 Report Summary of Travel Trends: 2009 National Household Travel Survey 2011 XLS
2009 Report An Assessment of Public Transportation Markets Using NHTS Data 2012 PDF
2001 Report Highlights of the 2001 National Household Travel Survey 2003 HTML
2001 Report Summary of Travel Trends: 2001 National Household Travel Survey 2004 PDF
2001 Report Our Nation's Travel: Current Issues 2005 PDF
2001 Report Transferring 2001 National Household Travel Survey 2007 PDF
2001 Report The Case for Moderate Growth In Vehicle Miles of Travel: A Critical Juncture In U.S. Travel Behavior Trends 2006 PDF
2001 Report Public Transit in America: Results from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey 2005 PDF
1995 Report Summary of Travel Trends 1999 PDF
1995 Report 1995 NPTS Databook 2001 PDF
1990 Report 1990 NPTS: Demographic Special Reports 1995 PDF
1990 Report 1990 NPTS: Travel Mode Special Reports 1994 PDF
1990 Report 1990 NPTS: Urban Travel Patterns 1994 PDF
1990 Report Travel Behavior Issues in the 90's 1992 PDF
1990 Report 1990 NPTS Databook 1994 PDF
1990 Report 1990 NPTS: Special Reports on Trip and Vehicle Attributes 1995 PDF
1983 Report Personal Travel in the United States 1983-1984 VOLUME I: Chapters 1-5: Contains Preface, highlights and introduction, data considerations, drivers and vehicles, and vehicle trips and travel 1986 PDF
1983 Report Personal Travel in the United States 1983-1984 VOLUME I: Chapters 6-8: Contains person trips and travel, workers and journey to work information, and vehicle occupancy 1986 PDF
1983 Report PERSONAL TRAVEL IN THE U.S. 1983-1984 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey Volume II, Part 3: Contains: Detailed Tabulations from the 1983 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (Continued) 1986 PDF
1983 Report PERSONAL TRAVEL IN THE U.S. 1983-1984 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey Volume II, Part 1: Contains: Preface Table of Contents Weighting Procedures and Estimates of Variance 1986 PDF
1983 Report PERSONAL TRAVEL IN THE U.S. 1983-1984 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey Volume II, Part 2: Contains: Detailed Tabulations from the 1983 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey 1986 PDF
1983 Report Personal Travel in the United States 1983-1984 VOLUME I: Chapters 9-Appendices: Contains travel period trips and travel, use of safety devices, and the appendices 1986 PDF
1977 Report Characteristics of 1977 Licensed Drivers and Their Travel 1980 PDF
1977 Report Household Travel 1982 PDF
1977 Report Estimates of Variances 1982 PDF
1977 Report Person Trip Characteristics 1983 PDF
1977 Report Urban/Rural Split of Travel 1982 PDF
1977 Report A Life Cycle of Travel by the American Family 1981 PDF
1977 Report Household Vehicle Ownership 1980 PDF
1977 Report Vehicle Occupancy 1981 PDF
1977 Report Household Vehicle Utilization 1981 PDF
1977 Report Home-to-Work Trips and Travel 1980 PDF
1977 Report Purposes of Vehicle Trips and Travel 1980 PDF
1969 Report Availability of Public Transit and Shopping Characteristics of SMSA Households 1972 PDF
1969 Report Automobile Occupancy 1972 PDF
1969 Report Seasonal Variations of Automobile Trips and Travel 1972 PDF
1969 Report Household Travel in the United States 1972 PDF
1969 Report Characteristics of Licensed Drivers 1973 PDF
1969 Report Automobile Ownership 1974 PDF
1969 Report Mode of Transportation and Personal Characteristics of Tripmakers 1973 PDF
1969 Report Home-to-work Trips and Travel 1973 PDF
1969 Report Annual Miles of Automobile Travel 1972 PDF
1969 Report Purposes of Automobile Trips and Travel 1974 PDF
1969 Report Transportation Characteristics of School Children 1972 PDF
2009 Journal Demand for Public Transport in Germany and the USA: An Analysis of Rider Characteristics 2012 PDF
2009 Journal Active Travel in Germany and the USA: Contributions of Daily Walking and Cycling to Physical Activity 2011 PDF
2009 Journal Walking and Cycling in the United States, 2001-2009: Evidence from the National Household Travel Surveys 2011 PDF
2009 Journal How the Travel Patterns of Older Adults Are Changing: Highlights from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey 2011 HTML
2009 Journal Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices 2011 HTML
2009 Journal Transportation Funding Reform: Equity Considerations for Older Americans 2011 HTML
2009 Journal Policy and Design Considerations for Accommodating Low-Speed Vehicles and Golf Carts in Community Transportation Networks 2011 HTML
2001 Journal Keeping the Power On: Examining the Impact of Soaring Energy Costs on the Elderly 2005 PDF
2001 Journal Trends in Walking for Transportation in the United States, 1995 and 2001 2001 Urban-Rural Differences in Mobility and Mode Choice: Evidence From the 2001 NHTS 2005 HTML
2001 Journal Variability and seasonality of active transportation in USA: evidence from the 2001 NHTS 2011 HTML
2001 Journal The Mobility Needs of Older Americans: Implications for Transportation Reauthorization 2003 HTML
2001 Journal Socioeconomics of Urban Travel: Evidence from the 2001 NHTS 2003 PDF
1995 Journal Land Use Transportation Interaction: An Examination of the 1995 NPTS Data 1997 PDF
1995 Journal Daily Travel by Persons with Low Income 1997 PDF
1995 Journal Examining Trip-Chaining Behavior: A Comparison of Travel by Men and Women 1997 PDF
1995 Journal Societal Trends: The Aging Baby Boom and Women Increased Independence 1997 PDF
1995 Journal Trends in Personal Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: Evidence from the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey 1998 PDF
2009 Conference TRB Workshop: Using National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Decision Making 2011 PDF
2001 Conference Data for Understanding Our Nation's Travel: National Household Travel Survey Conference: November 1-2, 2004 2004 PDF
1995 Conference Personal Travel: The Long and the Short of It: Issues Involved in Analysis Using The NPTS and the ATS 1998 PDF
2009 Brief Changes in the U.S. Household Vehicle Fleet 2009 PDF
2009 Brief Active Travel 2010 PDF
2001 Brief Vacation Travel 2008 PDF
2001 Brief Congestion: Non-Work Trips in Peak Travel Times 2007 PDF
2001 Brief Commuting for Life 2006 PDF
2001 Brief Long-Distance Travel 2006 PDF
2001 Brief Mobility and the Melting Pot 2006 PDF
2001 Brief The Other Side of Congestion 2007 PDF
2001 Brief Older Drivers: Safety Implications 2006 PDF
2001 Brief Rising Fuel Cost--A Big Impact 2006 PDF
2001 Brief Is Congestion Slowing Us Down? 2006 PDF
2001 Brief 'Carbon Footprint' of Daily Travel 2009 PDF
2001 Brief Travel Characteristics of New Immigrants 2006 PDF
2001 Brief Congestion: Who is Traveling in the Peak? 2007 PDF
2001 Brief Travel to School: The Distance Factor 2008 PDF
2001 Brief Energy Use and Fuel Efficiency 2008 PDF
2001 Brief Working At Home--The Quiet Revolution 2008 PDF
2009 Profile Travel Profile of the United States 2012 XLS
2001 Profile Travel Analysis Framework: Profile of the United States 2008 PDF
2001 Profile Travel Analysis Framework: Profile of Minnesota 2008 PDF
2001 Profile Travel Analysis Framework: Profile of Texas 2008 PDF
1995 Research Analysis of Households with Interrupted Telephone Service Using 1995 NPTS 1999 PDF
1995 Research The Effects of Survey Methodology Changes in the NPTS 1997 PDF
2009 Presentation NHTS Add On Workshop, August 12, 2009 2009 PDF
2001 Presentation Why Care About Walking? 2003 PDF
2001 Presentation The Case For More Moderate Growth in VMT: A Critical Juncture in U.S. Travel Behavior Trends 2004 PDF
2009 Compendium NHTS Compendium of Uses 2012 PDF
2009 Compendium Uses of National Household Travel Survey Data in Transportation 2011 PDF
2001 Compendium NHTS Users and Uses 2006 PDF

Developed by the CTA, ORNL under funding from the FHWA