Visits By Foreign Leaders in 1950

Visitor From Description Date
President Quirino Philippines Met with President Truman after receiving medical treatment in Baltimore (Maryland). In U.S. January 7-February 6. February 1, 1950
President Gonzales Videla Chile At invitation of the President. Also visited New York City, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Tennessee, Texas, and New Orleans (Louisiana). Departed U.S. May 3. April 12-​15, 1950
Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan Pakistan Official visit. Afterwards visited New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, New Orleans (Louisiana), Schenectady (New York), and Boston (Massachusetts). Departed U.S. May 30. May 3-​5, 1950
Prime Minister Menzies Australia Met with President Truman en route to London. July 27-​August 3, 1950
Prime Minister Attlee United Kingdom Discussed the military situation in Korea and developments in the Far East and Europe with President Truman. December 4-​8, 1950