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2nd Marine Logistics Group

'Warriors Sustaining Warriors'

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC
Books for Military Spouses
  • Building Resilience in Children and Teens - Kenneth Ginsburg
  • Kabul Beauty School - Deborah Rodriguez
  • Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson
  • Behind the Burqa - Batya Swift Yasgur
  • Authentic Happiness - Martin Seligman
  • The Bookseller of Kabul - Asne Seierstad
  • The Alchemist - Paul Coelho
  • Lipstick in Afghanistan - Roberta Gately
  • The women of Afghanistan Under the Taliban - Rosemarie Skaine
  • The Resilience Factor: Seven Essential Skills for overcoming life's inevitable obstacles - Andrew Shatte and Karen Reivich
Children's Books
  • A Good Day - Kevin Henkes
  • While You Are Away - Eileen Spinelli
  • The Three Questions - Jon J. Muth
  • Courage - Bernard Waber
  • You and Your Military Hero - Sara Jensen-Fritz, Paula Jones-Johnson, Thea L. Zitzow
  • Bullies are a pain in the brain - Trevor Romain
  • Gone! - Trevor Romain
  • Stress can really get on your nerves! - Trevor Romain
  • Over There - Dorinda Silver Williams
  • Home Again - Dorinda Silver Williams
  • A Paper Hug - Stephanie Skolmoski
  • Red, White, and Blue: The story of the American Flag - John Herman
  • Listen to the Wind - Greg Mortenson
  • How to Bake and American Pie - Karma Wilson
  • Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type - Doreen Cronin Verdi