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Blog Purpose and Policies

Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of the Cancer Epidemiology Matters blog is to help foster a dialogue between the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program (EGRP), extramural researchers, and other individuals, such as clinicians, community partners, and advocates, who are interested in cancer epidemiology and genomics. This blog reflects EGRP’s research interests, priorities, and initiatives and is intended to further EGRP’s mission to accelerate the generation and application of knowledge on determinants of cancer occurrence and outcomes in populations in order to inform research, policy, and practice. EGRP encourages blog readers to submit comments and questions in response to blog posts, which are essential to create and sustain an ongoing, engaging dialogue.

How This Blog Works

This blog is a moderated forum. All comments will be reviewed before posting to ensure their adherence to the comment policy below. We only require you to leave an e-mail address, so we may contact you about the discussion on a blog should a need arise.


We expect blog participants will treat each other with respect. We will not post comments that:

  • Are clearly off topic;
  • Contain phone numbers or email addresses;
  • Contain vulgar, profane, or abusive language; personal attacks of any kind; inappropriate religious, sexual, political, or racial references; unsupported accusations;
  • Endorse commercial products, services, organizations, or entities;
  • Endorse political parties, candidates, or groups;
  • Infringe on copyrights;
  • Solicit funds;
  • Contain surveys, polls, or questionnaires; and
  • Contain reporters’ questions (see below). 

If you have questions about cancer or cancer treatment, or need clinical trial information, please contact NCI’s Cancer Information Service at 1‐800‐4‐CANCER (1‐800‐422‐6237), or visit for official information from NCI.

Reporters are asked to send questions to the NCI Office of Media Relations ( and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments. Reporters’ questions will not be posted or answered.

Frequency of Blog Articles and Comment Postings

Every effort will be made to post new blog articles in a timely manner.  We intend to post new articles at least once a month.

Your comments are welcome at any time. However, moderating and posting of comments will occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be read and posted as early as possible the next business day.


This blog does not gather personal information about you other than what you choose to post yourself.  NCI will not share or sell any personal information obtained from users with any other organization or government agency except as required by law. Some information is collected and stored automatically when you visit the EGRP Web site. Please see our complete Privacy and Security policy (

Linking and Disclaimer of Endorsement

This blog includes useful hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations’ and individuals’ blogs. This blog provides these links and pointers solely for our users’ information and convenience.

When you select a link to an outside Web site, you are leaving this blog and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside Web site. EGRP and this blog do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on a linked Web site.

EGRP and this blog do not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked Web sites, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.

EGRP and this blog do not guarantee that outside Web sites comply with Section 508 (Accessibility Requirements) of the Rehabilitation Act.

This blog’s articles and posted comments do not necessarily reflect those of the NCI, or of the federal government.


EGRP and this blog cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked web sites. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked Web site.

Those who provide comments that include materials they do not own are responsible for obtaining any necessary copyright clearances for those materials.

Dispute Resolution Mechanism

If you believe that our blog has collected incorrect information or if you would like to dispute any information, please contact us the following:

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Boulevard
Executive Plaza North
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 301-594-6776
Fax: 301-594-6787

Any Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or comments about the blog, e-mail EGRP’s Cancer Epidemiology Matters blog team


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