RB: School Banner

Be There


The Character Trait for the Month of February


Being thoughtful and polite, having good manners, greeting people and helping people in need.

The Robinson Barracks Anti-Bullying Policy says the definition of a “bully” is being mean on purpose with intent to harm.  Be an "Upstander" and show you care!


Important Dates

  5-8 Feb   External Review
  6 Feb       Chess Club meets Wednesday in Mr. Lutz’s room
  6 Feb       ES Popcorn
  6 Feb       8th Grade Awards Assembly – 1:30 pm – Cafeteria
  6 Feb      6th Grade Homework Club Meets
  7 Feb       8th Grade Homework Club is cancelled
  8 Feb       7th Grade Awards Assembly – 1:45 pm – Advisory Classrooms
11 Feb      6th Grade Homework Club Meeting
12 Feb       6th Grade Awards Assembly – 1:15 pm – Cafeteria
13 Feb      6th Grade Homework Club Meets
13 Feb       PTSA Meeting – 3:00 pm – Library
18 Feb       President’s Day Holiday – No School for Students
19 Feb       Middle School Popcorn Day
20 Feb      6th Grade Homework Club meets
21 Feb      8th Grade Bully Lesson – Cafeteria – 1;15 pm
22 Feb      Astronaut Club Trip- Speyer Technical Museum/ European Space Operations Center
23 Feb       Red Cross Babysitters Certification 0900 – 1600
24 Feb       Red Cross Babysitters Certification 1200 - 1600
25–26 Feb Dental Screenings for Elementary Students
25 Feb       6th Grade Homework Club meets
27 Feb       Black History Program (Chorus) – Middle School – Cafeteria – 1:30 pm
27 Feb      6th Grade Homework Club meets
27 Feb      SAC Meeting -3:00 pm – Conference Room
27 Feb       Black History Program (Chorus) – Parents – Cafeteria – 6:00 pm
28 Feb       Black History Program (Chorus) – Elementary – Cafeteria – 9:30 am

Up-Coming Month

5 Mar      Class/Group Spring Photos - Stage
 5 Mar      8th Grade Orientation Visits
26 Mar      PTSA Ham Bingo Night
27 Mar      Family Literacy Night – 5:00 pm
29 Mar      Reading Exhibition

Last update:2/6/2013