Presidents Travels to United Kingdom

Name Locale Remarks Date
Woodrow Wilson Bermuda Vacation. [Visit made as President-elect.] November 18-​December 13, 1912
Woodrow Wilson London, Carlisle, Manchester Met with Prime Minister Lloyd George and King George V. December 26-​31, 1918
Warren G. Harding Kingston (Jamaica) Stopped while returning to the U.S. [Visit made as President-elect.] November 30, 1920
Franklin D. Roosevelt The Bahamas Fishing trip. [Visit made as President-elect.] February 6-​14, 1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt The Bahamas Fishing trip. March 29-​April 11, 1934
Franklin D. Roosevelt The Bahamas Fishing trip. March 27-​April 6, 1935
Franklin D. Roosevelt The Bahamas Fishing trip. March 24-​April 7, 1936
Franklin D. Roosevelt Trinidad Stopped on the way to South America. November 21, 1936
Franklin D. Roosevelt Trinidad Stopped while returning to the United States. December 11, 1936
Franklin D. Roosevelt Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay(Newfoundland) Fishing trip. August 17-​20, 1939
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jamaica Inspected British base sites for possible American use. December 5, 1940
Franklin D. Roosevelt St. Lucia Inspected British base sites for possible American use. December 8, 1940
Franklin D. Roosevelt Antigua Inspected British base sites for possible American use. December 9, 1940
Franklin D. Roosevelt The Bahamas Inspected British base sites for possible American use. Met with the Duke of Windsor at Eleutheria Island, December 13. Returned to the U.S. December 14. December 12-​13, 1940
Franklin D. Roosevelt Argentia (Newfoundland) Attended conference with Prime Minister Churchill. Announced the Atlantic Charter. August 9-​12, 1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt Trinidad Overnight stop en route to Casablanca. January 11, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt Bathurst (The Gambia) Overnight stop en route to Casablanca. January 13, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt Bathurst (The Gambia) Overnight stop en route from Casablanca. January 25, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt Trinidad Overnight stop en route from Casablanca. January 29, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt Malta Visited Allied military installations. December 8, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt Malta Attended Malta Conference with Prime Minister Churchill. February 2, 1945
Harry S. Truman Plymouth Informal meeting with King George VI. August 2, 1945
Harry S. Truman Bermuda Informal visit; met with the Governor of Bermuda, Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham, K.C.B. and inspected U.S. military facilities. August 22-​30, 1946
Dwight D. Eisenhower Bermuda Attended Bermuda Conference with Prime Minister Churchill and French President Laniel. December 4-​8, 1953
Dwight D. Eisenhower Bermuda Met with Prime Minister Macmillan. March 20-​24, 1957
Dwight D. Eisenhower London, Balmoral, Chequers Informal visit; met Prime Minister Macmillan and Queen Elizabeth II. August 27-​September 2, 1959
Dwight D. Eisenhower Culzean Castle Rested before returning to the United States. September 4-​7, 1959
John F. Kennedy London Private visit; met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Macmillan. June 4-​5, 1961
John F. Kennedy Bermuda Met with Prime Minister Macmillan. December 21-​22, 1961
John F. Kennedy Nassau (The Bahamas) Conferred with Prime Minister Macmillan; concluded Nassau agreement on nuclear defense systems. December 18-​21, 1962
John F. Kennedy Birch Grove, Sussex Informal visit with Prime Minister Macmillan at his home. June 29-​30, 1963
Richard M. Nixon London Addressed the Bundestag. February 24-​26, 1969
Richard M. Nixon Mildenhall Air Force Base Informal meeting with Prime Minister Wilson. August 3, 1969
Richard M. Nixon Chequers Met informally with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Heath. October 3, 1970
Richard M. Nixon Bermuda Met with British Prime Minister Heath. December 20-​21, 1971
Jimmy Carter London, Newcastle Attended Economic Summit Meeting May 7-8 of the Heads of State and Government of Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Also met with the Prime Ministers of Greece, Belgium, Turkey, Norway, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, and with the President of Portugal. Addressed NATO Ministers meeting on May 10. May 5-​10, 1977
Ronald Reagan London, Windsor Castle State visit; met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Thatcher. Addressed Parliament. June 7-​9, 1982
Ronald Reagan London Met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Thatcher. Attended Economic Summit Meeting June 7-9 of the Heads of State and Government of Canada, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. June 4-​10, 1984
Ronald Reagan London Met with Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Thatcher, and Japanese Prime Minister Takeshita. June 2-​3, 1988
George H. W. Bush London Met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Thatcher. May 31-​June 2, 1989
George H. W. Bush Bermuda Informal meeting with Prime Minister Thatcher. April 13-​14, 1990
George H. W. Bush London Attended NATO Summit Meeting. July 5-​6, 1990
George H. W. Bush Bermuda Discussed the Middle East peace process with Prime Minister Major. March 14-​16, 1991
George H. W. Bush London Attended Economic Summit Meeting with the Heads of State and Government of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Also met with Soviet July 14-​18, 1991
William J. Clinton Cambridge, London, Portsmouth Visited U.S. Military Cemetery. Met with Prime Minister Major. Attended state dinner with Queen Elizabeth II and heads of state and government of Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Belgium. Attended D-Day commemorative ceremonies. June 4-​5, 1994
William J. Clinton Oxford Received honorary degree from Oxford University. June 8, 1994
William J. Clinton London, Belfast, Londonderry Met with Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Major; addressed Parliament, and delivered several public addresses in Northern Ireland. November 28-​December 1, 1995
William J. Clinton London Met with Prime Minister Blair and attended a Cabinet meeting. May 28-​29, 1997
William J. Clinton Birmingham, Weston-Under-Lizard, London Attended G-8 Economic Summit and U.S.-EU Summit. May 14-​18, 1998
William J. Clinton Belfast, Armagh, Omagh Met with Prime Minister Blair and Northern Irish political leaders; addressed the Northern Ireland Assembly. September 3, 1998
William J. Clinton Belfast, London, Coventry Met with Prime Minister Blair and Northern Irish political leaders in Belfast, met with Queen Elizabeth II, and made a speech at the University of Warwick. December 12-​14, 2000
George W. Bush London, Chequers, Halton, Brize Norton Met with Prime Minister Blain and Queen Elizabeth II. July 18-​20, 2001
George W. Bush Belfast, Hillsborough (Northern Ireland) Met with Prime Minister Blair to discuss the reconstruction of Iraq. Also met with Irish Prime Minister Ahern and Northern Irish political leaders. April 7-​8, 2003
George W. Bush London, Sedgefield State Visit. November 18-​21, 2003
George W. Bush Gleneagles (Scotland) Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. July 6-​8, 2005
George W. Bush London, Belfast Met with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle. Met with Prime Minister Blair and Quartet Representative Blair. In Belfast, met with First Minister Robertson and Deputy First Minister McGuinness. June 15-​16, 2008
Barack Obama London Met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Brown. Attended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting. March 31-​April 3, 2009
Barack Obama London Met with Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Cameron, and Labour Party leader Miliband. May 23-​26, 2011