Launch of the Full IPCC Special Report

The full 592-page report provides the detailed evidence underlying the findings highlighted in the Summary for Policymakers, complete with graphics, full reference details, report glossary and index. In addition the chapters provide comprehensive detail on the concepts and determinants of disaster risk, an assessment of past and future changes in climate extremes and their impacts at global and regional scales, and a discussion of local to international level approaches for managing weather-related risks. Case studies are used to provide valuable insights into best practices and experiences.

E-launch Date: 28 March, 2012

Press Release

Teleconference (MP3, 8.65MB)

Press / Media Contact

IPCC Working Group II
Technical Support Unit (TSU)
260 Panama Street
Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Phone: +1.650.223.6929
Fax: +1.650.462.5968