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Publication Title  
Number Year
811063 2008 Fatalities In Crashes Involving Alcohol-Impaired 21- to 24-Year Old Drivers During the December Holidays
810632 2007 2005 Traffic Safety Facts Data Summary Booklet
810870 2007 Fatalities Related to Alcohol-Impaired Driving During the Christmas and New Year's Day Holiday Periods
810639 2006 2005 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Fatality Counts and Estimates of People Injured (Power Point)
809919 2005 2004 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
809890 2005 Speeding Related Crash Fatalities By Month, Day and Selected Holiday Periods
809736 2004 Forecasts of Crash Fatalities During Summer Holiday Periods in 2004
809775 2003 2003 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
809439 2002 2001 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes Injury and Fatality Estimates Early Assessment
809620 2002 2002 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
809484 2001 2001 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
809337 2000 2000 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
809100 1999 1999 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
808983 1998 1998 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
808806 1997 1997 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
808649 1996 1996 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
808292 1994 1994 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report